我发现 可以使用属性启用/禁用 spring boot @RestController 吗? 哪个地址没有在以下位置启动 @Controller启动时间,但我正在寻找一种在运行时停止 @Controller 的方法.
I've found Can a spring boot @RestController be enabled/disabled using properties? which addresses not starting a @Controller at boot time, but I'm looking for a way to stop a @Controller at runtime.
我实际上会使用@RefreshScope Bean,然后当您想在运行时停止 Rest Controller 时,您只需要将所述控制器的属性更改为 false.
I would actually used the @RefreshScope Bean and then when you want to stop the Rest Controller at runtime, you only need to change the property of said controller to false.
SO 的 link 引用了在运行时更改属性.
SO's link referencing to changing property at runtime.
Here are my snippets of working code:
class MessageRestController(
@Value("\${message.get.enabled}") val getEnabled: Boolean,
@Value("\${message:Hello default}") val message: String
) {
fun get(): String {
if (!getEnabled) {
throw NoHandlerFoundException("GET", "/message", null)
return message
And there are other alternatives of using Filter:
class EndpointsAvailabilityFilter @Autowired constructor(
private val env: Environment
): OncePerRequestFilter() {
override fun doFilterInternal(
request: HttpServletRequest,
response: HttpServletResponse,
filterChain: FilterChain
) {
val requestURI = request.requestURI
val requestMethod = request.method
val property = "${requestURI.substring(1).replace("/", ".")}." +
val enabled = env.getProperty(property, "true")
if (!enabled.toBoolean()) {
throw NoHandlerFoundException(requestMethod, requestURI, ServletServerHttpRequest(request).headers)
filterChain.doFilter(request, response)
这篇关于在运行时停止 Spring @Controller的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!