



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        size_t sz = atol(argv[1]);
        char *arr = malloc(sz);


我编译了这段代码并尝试运行它,并使用了 pmap 来查看程序的内存映射。

I compiled this code and tried to run it, used pmap to see the memory mapping of the program.

当我使用诸如 1024000 这样的大数字时,会得到一个像这样的映射:

When I use some big number like 1024000, I get a mapping like this:

3901:   ./alloc_program 1024000
0000560192f43000      4K r---- alloc_program
0000560192f44000      4K r-x-- alloc_program
0000560192f45000      4K r---- alloc_program
0000560192f46000      4K r---- alloc_program
0000560192f47000      4K rw--- alloc_program
0000560192fac000    132K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f75b69e9000   1004K rw---   [ anon ]     <---- I believe this is the allocated memory
00007f75b6ae4000    148K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6b09000   1504K r-x-- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6c81000    296K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6ccb000      4K ----- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6ccc000     12K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6ccf000     12K rw--- libc-2.31.so
00007f75b6cd2000     24K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f75b6ce7000      4K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f75b6ce8000    140K r-x-- ld-2.31.so
00007f75b6d0b000     32K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f75b6d14000      4K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f75b6d15000      4K rw--- ld-2.31.so
00007f75b6d16000      4K rw---   [ anon ]
00007ffe2b26e000    132K rw---   [ stack ]
00007ffe2b318000     12K r----   [ anon ]
00007ffe2b31b000      4K r-x--   [ anon ]
ffffffffff600000      4K --x--   [ anon ]
 total             3496K

但是当我使用诸如 10240 之类的小数字时,我看不到分配了任何东西:

I suppose that the marked line is the memory allocated by malloc (maybe I'm wrong).But when I use some small number like 10240, I don't see that anything is allocated:

3879:   ./alloc_program 10240
000055e428e26000      4K r---- alloc_program
000055e428e27000      4K r-x-- alloc_program
000055e428e28000      4K r---- alloc_program
000055e428e29000      4K r---- alloc_program
000055e428e2a000      4K rw--- alloc_program
000055e42a257000    132K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f102332c000    148K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f1023351000   1504K r-x-- libc-2.31.so
00007f10234c9000    296K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f1023513000      4K ----- libc-2.31.so
00007f1023514000     12K r---- libc-2.31.so
00007f1023517000     12K rw--- libc-2.31.so
00007f102351a000     24K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f102352f000      4K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f1023530000    140K r-x-- ld-2.31.so
00007f1023553000     32K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f102355c000      4K r---- ld-2.31.so
00007f102355d000      4K rw--- ld-2.31.so
00007f102355e000      4K rw---   [ anon ]
00007fff1d513000    132K rw---   [ stack ]
00007fff1d570000     12K r----   [ anon ]
00007fff1d573000      4K r-x--   [ anon ]
ffffffffff600000      4K --x--   [ anon ]
 total             2492K


1 - Why it doesn't allocate when the memory size is relatively small?

2-为什么分配的内存大小不完全相同?在第一次运行中,它显示的大小为 1004KB ,而我只分配了 1000KB

2 - Why the allocated memory size is not exactly the same? In the first run, it shows that the size is 1004KB while I've only allocated 1000KB.


函数 malloc 的任务是在需要时为应用程序提供内存。从理论上讲, malloc 可以按照您的建议将所有内存分配请求转发到操作系统的,因此它仅充当内核内存分配器的包装器。但是,这样做有以下缺点:

The task of the function malloc is to provide the application with memory, whenever it asks for it. Theoretically, malloc could, as you suggest, just forward all requests for memory allocations to the operating system's kernel, so that it only acts as a wrapper for the kernel's memory allocator. However, this has the following disadvantages:

  1. 内核一次只能提供大量内存,至少一个,根据操作系统的配置,通常至少为4096个字节。因此,如果应用程序仅要求10个字节的内存,则会浪费大量内存。

  2. 就CPU性能而言是昂贵的。

  1. The kernel only provides large amounts of memory at once, at least one page of memory, which is, depending on the configuration of the operating system, normally at least 4096 bytes. Therefore, if an application asked for only 10 bytes of memory, a lot of memory would be wasted.
  2. System calls are expensive in terms of CPU performance.

由于这些原因,对于 malloc 不会将内存分配请求直接转发到内核,而是充当应用程序的内存分配请求和内核之间的中介。它从内核请求更多的内存,因此它可以满足来自应用程序的许多较小的内存分配请求。

For these reasons, it is more efficient for malloc to not forward memory allocation requests directly to the kernel, but to rather act as an intermediary between the application's memory allocation requests and the kernel. It requests memory in larger amounts from the kernel, so that it can satisfy many smaller memory allocation requests from the application.

因此,只有一次请求大量内存时,它才会 malloc 将内存分配请求转发给内核。

Therefore, only when asking for a large amount of memory at once, will malloc forward that memory allocation request to the kernel.

malloc 分配器必须跟踪分配给应用程序的所有内存分配,还必须跟踪所有分配给应用程序的内存分配。内核已授予它的内存分配。要存储此信息,它需要一点额外的存储空间。此额外空间称为开销。

The malloc allocator must keep track of all the memory allocations it granted to the application and also keep track of all the memory allocations that it has been granted by the kernel. To store this information, it requires a bit of addititional memory space. This additional space is called "overhead".


08-04 09:15