


i want to sort my Posts by dtModified (datetime modified) if its not null (post modified b4), else sort by dtPosted (datetime posted)



It seems like I'm giving this advice three times a week here on SO, maybe I should just give up and let it go :-) Nah, I don't think so:

不要在列计算(或order by子句)中使用逐行函数.您应该针对特定情况检查性能(测量,不要猜测),但是读取数据库时进行计算通常会影响您的扩展能力(这无关紧要)用于您的地址簿数据库,但是我工作的商店有大量数据).

Don't use per-row functions in your column calculations (or order by clauses) if you want your database to scale well. You should check performance for your particular case (measure, don't guess) but doing calculations when reading the database will generally affect your ability to scale (this won't matter for your address book database but the shops I work in have huge amounts of data).


The number of "how do I get my DB to go faster?" questions far outweighs the number of "how do I use less space?" ones. It's a well-trodden path to sacrifice disk space for performance.


The right time to do calculations is when the data changes. That way the cost of the changes is amortised across all reads.


My advice is to create another column such as dtLastAction to contain the ordering value then use an insert/update trigger to set it to the same as dtModified if not null, or dtPosted if dtModified is null. Technically, this violates 3NF but that's okay if you know what you're doing, and the triggers guarantee data consistency in that case.

然后在dtLastAction列上进行索引,以提高查询速度,而在插入和更新过程中以(较少的)额外工作量(较少)为代价.我之所以这么说是因为, vast 大多数数据库表的读取比写入的频率要高(显然,如果您的特殊情况是非常罕见的例外之一,则此方法无用).

Then index on the dtLastAction column and see the speed of your queries improve at the (lesser) cost of some extra work during inserts and updates. I say lesser because the vast majority of database tables are read more often than written (obviously this method is useless if your particular situation is one of the very rare exceptions).

或者,对于这种特殊情况,可以在创建条目时将dtModifieddtPosted设置为相同的值,这意味着dtModified永远不会为 为null.您仍然可以检测到由于这两个日期时间值相同而从未被修改过的帖子.

Alternatively, for this particular case, you could set dtModified and dtPosted to the same value when creating the entry, meaning that dtModified will never be null. You can still detect posts that have never been modified by the fact that these two datetime values are identical.


08-04 09:07