

本文介绍了在 Python 3.6 中运行时根据联合类型检查变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试编写一个函数装饰器,它使用 Python 3.6 类型提示来检查参数字典是否尊重类型提示,如果没有明确说明问题,则引发错误,以用于 HTTP API.

I'm trying to write a function decorator that uses Python 3.6 type hints to check that a dictionary of arguments respects the type hints and if not raise an error with a clear description of the problem, to be used for HTTP APIs.

问题是当函数有一个使用 Union 类型的参数时,我无法在运行时检查变量.

The problem is that when the function has a parameter using the Union type I can't check a variable against it at runtime.


from typing import Union
def bark(myname: str, descr: Union[int, str], mynum: int = 3) -> str:
    return descr + myname * mynum


isinstance('Arnold', bark.__annotations__['myname'])


isinstance(3, bark.__annotations__['descr'])

因为 Union 不能与 isinstanceissubclass 一起使用.

Because Union cannot be used with isinstance or issubclass.

我找不到使用类型对象检查它的方法.我尝试自己实施检查,但是当 bark.__annotations__['descr'] 在 REPL 中显示为 typing.Union[int, str] 我不能在运行时访问类型列表,如果不使用检查 bark.__annotations__['descr'].__repr__() 的丑陋技巧.

I couldn't find a way to check it using the type object.I tried to implement the check by myself but while bark.__annotations__['descr'] is shown as typing.Union[int, str] in the REPL I can't access the list of the types at runtime, if not using the ugly hack of examining bark.__annotations__['descr'].__repr__().


Is there a proper way to access this information? Or is it deliberately intended to not be easily accessible at runtime?


你可以使用 Union__args__ 属性,它包含一个 tuple可能的内容:

You could use the __args__ attribute of Union which holds a tuple of the "possible contents:

>>> from typing import Union

>>> x = Union[int, str]
>>> x.__args__
(int, str)
>>> isinstance(3, x.__args__)
>>> isinstance('a', x.__args__)

__args__ 参数没有记录,因此它可能被认为是弄乱了实现细节",但它似乎比解析 repr 更好.

The __args__ argument is not documented so it could be considered "messing with implementation details" but it seems like a better way than parsing the repr.

这篇关于在 Python 3.6 中运行时根据联合类型检查变量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:06