

本文介绍了MS Blend预览版Designer灾难性故障的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道这类问题必须在Microsoft支持论坛上发布,我也是,但仍然没有得到答案.也许这里的某人可能知道导致此问题的原因.所以..我在Silverlight 5的Blend中遇到了一个奇怪的问题.我创建了一个新的空白新项目,每次尝试添加控件(按钮,文本框或其他内容)时,我都会收到该错误异常.这是屏幕截图:

I know this kind of problem must be posted on microsoft support forums, so did I , but still didn't get answer. maybe someone here may know what causes this problem.So.. i have strange problem with blend for silverlight 5. I created new blank new project , everytime i try to add control (button, or textbox or something else), I' getting that error exception. here is screenshot:


If i leave control Content property blank string "" error disappears.


here is list of related software installed on my computer:

  • VS 2012高级版

  • VS 2012 premium

silverlight 5版本4.1.20402.0的MS Blend预览

MS blend preview for silverlight 5 version 4.1.20402.0

Silverlight 5工具包-2011年12月

Silverlight 5 Toolkit - December 2011

Silverlight Developer x64

Silverlight Developer x64

Silverlight 5

Silverlight 5

操作系统是Windows 7 x64企业版

OS is Windows 7 x64 enterprise


尝试使用Visual Studio 2012的最新CTP更新(CTP更新3)进行更新,并在CTP之后使用Visual Studio随附的Blend,而不是预览版本.

Try updating with the latest CTP update (CTP update 3) for Visual Studio 2012, and use the Blend that comes with Visual Studio after the CTP, and not the Preview Version.

可以在此处找到CTP: http://www = 36539

The CTP can be found here:

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08-04 08:37