本文介绍了void方法和return this有什么区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Class Player {
Player setName(String name){
this.name = name;
return this;

// or

void setName(String name){
this.name = name;

嗨.如果我使用带有void"或return this"语句的方法有什么区别?为什么存在return this"语句,如果它的作用相同?

Hi. What is the difference if I use the method with "void" or "return this" statement? Why the "return this" statement exists, if it does the same?



They don't remotely do the same thing.

void 方法没有返回值.这意味着您不能使用返回值(例如,您不能将其分配给变量).

A void method has no return value. That means you can't use the return value (for instance, you can't assign it to a variable).

有返回值的方法有返回值.在您提到的特定情况下,return this,它返回对调用该方法的对象的引用,因此您可以(可能)使用该引用 —通过将它分配给一个变量,通过调用另一个方法等等.这对于 流畅的接口很有用(允许您进行大量链接的那些):

A method with a return value has a return value. In the particular case you've mentioned, return this, it's returning a reference to the object that the method was called on, so you can (potentially) use that reference — by assigning it to a variable, by calling another method on it, etc. This is useful for fluent interfaces (ones that allow you to do a lot of chaining):


如果它是 void,你必须这样写:

If it were void instead, you'd have to write that like this:



Probably the most famous example of this is Builder pattern of object construction, because it means you don't need a variable:

Thingy t = new ThingyBuilder()

Web 开发圈外最著名的,就是; Web 开发圈中,最著名的例子是 jQuery 的 API:$("div").css("color", "green").text("Good");

Most famous outside web development circles, that is; inside web development circles, the most famous example would be jQuery's API: $("div").css("color", "green").text("Good");

这篇关于void方法和return this有什么区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 08:31