本文介绍了高效的基于 2D Tile 的照明系统的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Java 中为基于图块的引擎进行照明的最有效方法是什么?
是否会在磁贴后面放置黑色背景并更改磁贴的 alpha?

What is the most efficient way to do lighting for a tile based engine in Java?
Would it be putting a black background behind the tiles and changing the tiles' alpha?
Or putting a black foreground and changing alpha of that? Or anything else?


This is an example of the kind of lighting I want:



There are many ways to achieve this. Take some time before making your final decision. I will briefly sum up some techiques you could choose to use and provide some code in the end.


If you want to create a hard-edge lighting effect (like your example image),some approaches come to my mind:

  • 使用黑色背景
  • 根据其暗度值设置图块的 alpha 值
  • Use a black background
  • Set the tiles' alpha values according to their darkness value



  • 使用第二组(黑色/彩色)瓷砖
  • 将它们放在主瓷砖上
  • 根据新颜色的强度设置新图块的 alpha 值.
  • 这种方法与第一种方法具有相同的效果,但优点是您现在可以将覆盖图块着色为黑色以外的另一种颜色,这样既可以使用彩色灯光,也可以制作高光.





    More Efficient Approaches (Hard and/or Soft Lighting)

    When looking at your example, I imagine the light always comes from a specific source tile (character, torch, etc.)

    • 对于每种类型的灯光(大手电筒、小手电筒、角色照明),您创建一个图像,表示相对于源图块(光遮罩)的特定照明行为.对于手电筒来说可能是这样的(白色是 alpha):
    • 对于作为光源的每个图块,您在光源位置将此图像渲染为叠加层.
    • 要添加一点浅色,您可以使用例如10% 不透明的橙色,而不是完整的 alpha.

    柔光现在没什么大不了的,与瓷砖相比,只需在光罩中使用更多细节即可.通过在通常为黑色的区域中仅使用 15% 的 alpha,您可以在瓷砖未点亮时添加低视力效果:

    Soft light is no big deal now, just use more detail in light mask compared to the tiles. By using only 15% alpha in the usually black region you can add a low sight effect when a tile is not lit:




    Multiple light sources

    When combining multiple light sources, this approach leads to a problem:Drawing two masks, which intersect each other, might cancel themselves out:


    What we want to have is that they add their lights instead of subtracting them.Avoiding the problem:

    • 反转所有光罩(alpha 为暗区,不透明为亮区)
    • 将所有这些光罩渲染成一个与视口具有相同尺寸的临时图像
    • 在整个风景上反转并渲染新图像(好像它是唯一的光罩).


    假设您首先渲染 BufferedImage 中的所有图块,我将提供一些类似于上次显示的方法的指导代码(仅灰度支持).

    Assuming you render all the tiles in a BufferedImage first,I'll provide some guidance code which resembles the last shown method (only grayscale support).


    Multiple light masks for e.g. a torch and a player can be combined like this:

    public BufferedImage combineMasks(BufferedImage[] images)
        // create the new image, canvas size is the max. of all image sizes
        int w, h;
        for (BufferedImage img : images)
            w = img.getWidth() > w ? img.getWidth() : w;
            h = img.getHeight() > h ? img.getHeight() : h;
        BufferedImage combined = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        // paint all images, preserving the alpha channels
        Graphics g = combined.getGraphics();
        for (BufferedImage img : images)
            g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
        return combined;


    The final mask is created and applied with this method:

    public void applyGrayscaleMaskToAlpha(BufferedImage image, BufferedImage mask)
        int width = image.getWidth();
        int height = image.getHeight();
        int[] imagePixels = image.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, null, 0, width);
        int[] maskPixels = mask.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, null, 0, width);
        for (int i = 0; i < imagePixels.length; i++)
            int color = imagePixels[i] & 0x00ffffff; // Mask preexisting alpha
            // get alpha from color int
            // be careful, an alpha mask works the other way round, so we have to subtract this from 255
            int alpha = (maskPixels[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
            imagePixels[i] = color | alpha;
        image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, imagePixels, 0, width);


    As noted, this is a primitive example. Implementing color blending might be a bit more work.

    这篇关于高效的基于 2D Tile 的照明系统的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 08:03