有一种方法可以使用与NumPy / SciPy的IronPython中,使用铁定执行/与沟通CPython的二进制文件的相同。一个较新的项目, Python的工具VS 允许一个与.NET的IronPython程序更快的整合,因为大多数的与NumPy / SciPy的库功能已经被人工移植到IronPython的。在同一个页面上点这个博文可链接到GitHub的项目相同的意见。
There is a way to use NumPy/SciPy in IronPython, using IronClad to execute/communicate with the CPython binaries of the same. A newer project, Python Tools for VS allows for a faster integration with .NET IronPython programs because most of the NumPy/SciPy library functionality has been manually ported into IronPython. Comments on the same page point to this blogpost which links to github projects for the same.
截至今天(2012年10月),有什么明确的方法来整合/从IronPython的NET Python程序使用这2个库?的
As of today (Oct 2012), what is the definitive method to integrate/use these 2 libraries from IronPython NET python programs?
SciPy的用于.NET看起来就像是梦想成真我。 MSVS回旋踢在脸上所有其他的Python IDE,并无缝互操作与所有其他.NET语言将是真棒(看你的特别,F#...你真的是功能性门户药物......但我不能离开我的科学蟒蛇toolstack落后了!)
Scipy for .NET looks like a dream come true to me. MSVS roundhouse kicks every other python IDE in the face, and seemless interop with all other .NET languages would be awesome (looking at you in particular, F#... you could really be the functional gateway drug... but I can't leave my scientific python toolstack behind!)
很伤心地看到,它出现的项目也不是很积极的支持,说得客气一点。在我的待办事项列表的第一件事情,如果我赢了彩票...支持这个项目将是一个惊人的奖励/ efford项目,微软提高其在科学计算领域的地位;从被几乎完全的雷达的,到堆栈的顶部前进。以防万一有人有预算微软正在这个:认真。您已经为这个糟糕的学术给人MSVS免费无论如何,但我会逼我未来的老板买我的MSVS在枪口下*,如果你意识到这个的全部潜力。 (*不,我的令人惊讶的生产力不会说服他呢......)
Very sad to see that it appears the project is not very actively supported, to put it mildly. First thing on my todo list if I win the lottery... Supporting this project would be a staggering reward/efford project for Microsoft to boost its standing in the scientific computing sphere; going from being almost entirely of the radar, to the very top of the stack. Just in case anyone with a budget at Microsoft is looking at this: seriously. You are already giving MSVS for free to this crummy academic anyway, but I'd force my future boss to buy my MSVS at gunpoint*, if you realized the full potential of this. (*not that my amazing productivity wouldn't convince him anyway...)
So no, not much of a direct answer to your question, but maybe this rant will pay off sometime in the future.