



4I我目前正在试图将大量的数据以正弦函数。当我只有一组数据(一维数组), scipy.optimize.curve_fit的情况下()工作正常。但是,如果函数本身只是一维的,据我可以看到它不允许高维数据输入。我不想迭代使用循环数组了作为在蟒蛇工作慢得令人难以置信。

4I am currently trying to fit a lot of data to a sine function. In the case where I only have one set of data (1D array), scipy.optimize.curve_fit() works fine. However it does not permit a higher dimensional data input if the function itself is only one dimensional as far as i can see. I don't want to iterate over the array using for loops as that works incredibly slow in python.


My code so far should look similar to this:

from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
def f(x,p1,p2,p3,p4): return p1 + p2*np.sin(2*np.pi*p3*x + p4)      #fit function

def fit(data,guess):
   n = data.shape[0]
   leng = np.arange(n)
   param, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f,leng,data,guess)
   return param, pcov

,其中数据是一个三维阵列(形状=(X,Y,Z)),我想,以适应每个行数据[: ,A,b] 参数函数是一个(4,Y,Z)形数组作为输出。

where data is a threedimensional array (shape=(x,y,z)) and I would like to fit each line data[:,a,b] to the function with param being a (4,y,z) shaped array as output.Of course, for multidimensional data this results in a



Maybe there is an easy solution to this but I am not sure how to do it. Any suggestions?


Searching for an answer to my question proofed quite difficult since most topics with those keywords relate to the fitting of higher dimensional functions.



Using np.apply_along_axis() solves your problem. Just do this:

func1d = lambda y, *args: optimize.curve_fit(f, xdata=x, ydata=y, *args)[0] #<-- [0] to get only popt
param = np.apply_along_axis( func1d, axis=2, arr=data )


from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
def f(x,p1,p2,p3,p4):
    return p1 + p2*np.sin(2*np.pi*p3*x + p4)
sx = 50  # size x
sy = 200 # size y
sz = 100 # size z
# creating the reference parameters
tmp = np.empty((4,sy,sz))
tmp[0,:,:] = (1.2-0.8) * np.random.random_sample((sy,sz)) + 0.8
tmp[1,:,:] = (1.2-0.8) * np.random.random_sample((sy,sz)) + 0.8
tmp[2,:,:] = np.ones((sy,sz))
tmp[3,:,:] = np.ones((sy,sz))*np.pi/4
param_ref = np.empty((4,sy,sz,sx))     # param_ref in this shape will allow an
for i in range(sx):                    # one-shot evaluation of f() to create
    param_ref[:,:,:,i] = tmp           # the data sample
# creating the data sample
x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi)
factor = (1.1-0.9)*np.random.random_sample((sy,sz,sx))+0.9
data = f(x, *param_ref) * factor       # the one-shot evalution is here
# finding the adjusted parameters
func1d = lambda y, *args: optimize.curve_fit(f, xdata=x, ydata=y, *args)[0] #<-- [0] to get only popt
param = np.apply_along_axis( func1d, axis=2, arr=data )


08-04 07:42