



If I have N labels. How can I enforce, that the feature vector of size N right before the contrastive loss layer represents some kind of probability for each class? Or comes that automatically with the siamese net design?



If you only use contrastive loss in a Siamese network, there is no way of forcing the net to classify into the correct label - because the net is only trained using "same/not same" information and does not know the semantics of the different classes.

因此,我建议您使用"bottom"作为两个"InnerProduct"层之一的输出来训练具有两个损耗层的深度网络.一种损失是对比损失.另一个损耗应该具有num_output: N的另一个"InnerProduct"层和一个"SoftmaxWithLoss"层.

What you can do is train with multiple loss layers.
You should aim at training a feature representation that is reach enough for your domain, so that looking at the trained feature vector of some input (in some high dimension) you should be able to easily classify that input to the correct class. Moreover, given that feature representation of two inputs one should be able to easily say if they are "same" or "not same".
Therefore, I recommend that you train your deep network with two loss layer with "bottom" as the output of one of the "InnerProduct" layers. One loss is the contrastive loss. The other loss should have another "InnerProduct" layer with num_output: N and a "SoftmaxWithLoss" layer.

在这项工作中使用了类似的概念:孙,陈,王和唐通过联合身份验证进行深度学习人脸表示 NIPS 2014 .

A similar concept was used in this work:Sun, Chen, Wang and Tang Deep Learning Face Representation by Joint Identification-Verification NIPS 2014.


08-04 07:41