

在 C# 表单中,我有一个四面锚定的面板,内部有一个文本框,锚定在顶部/左侧/右侧.

In a C# form, I have a panel anchored all sides, and inside, a textbox, anchored top/left/right.


When text gets loaded into the textbox, i want it to auto expand itself vertically so that I don't need to scroll the textbox (scroll the panel at most, if there is more text that doesn't fit the panel).is there any way to do this with a textbox? (i'm not constrained to use this control so if there's another control that fits the description, feel free to mention it)



I'll assume this is a multi-line text box and that you'll allow it to grow vertically. This code worked well:

    private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Size sz = new Size(textBox1.ClientSize.Width, int.MaxValue);
        TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak;
        int padding = 3;
        int borders = textBox1.Height - textBox1.ClientSize.Height;
        sz = TextRenderer.MeasureText(textBox1.Text, textBox1.Font, sz, flags);
        int h = sz.Height + borders + padding;
        if (textBox1.Top + h > this.ClientSize.Height - 10) {
            h = this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - textBox1.Top;
        textBox1.Height = h;

当文本框为空时,你应该做一些合理的事情,比如设置 MinimumSize 属性.

You ought to do something reasonable when the text box is empty, like setting the MinimumSize property.


08-04 07:31