


I was wondering how to export graphs from excel instead of using Snipping tool ... I found some code there and there. But I remain stuck with the following error :

"Run-Time error '424'": Object required 


(same as on link 2) but I can't figure out where does it come from ...


Any thoughts where to start by ?

Sub SaveAllCharts()

Dim SaveToDirectory As String

Dim myChart As Chart

SaveToDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Images\"

MsgBox ("Saved Directory:" + SaveToDirectory)

For Each myChart In ActiveWorkbok.Charts MsgBox (OK) myChart.Export SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png", PNG Next

End Sub


您的代码中有几个错误,Option Explicit是一个很好的查找错别字的方法,正如几个人所说.

There were a couple of errors in your code Option Explicit is a great way to find typos as a couple people said.

另一个错误是您的myChart.Export (SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png", PNG)行.您不需要filterName,因此myChart.Export (SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png")在这种情况下完全可以

Another error was with on your myChart.Export (SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png", PNG) line. You do not need the filterName so myChart.Export (SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png") is perfectly ok for this occasion


Option Explicit
Sub SaveAllCharts()

Dim SaveToDirectory As String

Dim myChart As Chart

SaveToDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path

MsgBox ("Saved Directory:" + SaveToDirectory)

For Each myChart In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
myChart.Export (SaveToDirectory & myChart.Name & ".png")
Next myChart

End Sub


I have tested this code and it works on my pc if you get any issues i will try to help you out



09-14 16:30