


I am currently learning the basics of assembly and came across something odd when looking at the instructions generated by gcc (6.1.1).


#include <stdio.h>

int foo(int x, int y){
    return x*y;

int main(){
    int a = 5;
    int b = foo(a, 0xF00D);
    printf("0x%X\n", b);
    return 0;

用于编译的命令:gcc -m32 -g test.c -o test

Command used to compile: gcc -m32 -g test.c -o test


When examining the functions in gdb I get this:

(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) disas main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x080483f7 <+0>:     lea    ecx,[esp+0x4]
   0x080483fb <+4>:     and    esp,0xfffffff0
   0x080483fe <+7>:     push   DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
   0x08048401 <+10>:    push   ebp
   0x08048402 <+11>:    mov    ebp,esp
   0x08048404 <+13>:    push   ecx
   0x08048405 <+14>:    sub    esp,0x14
   0x08048408 <+17>:    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x5
   0x0804840f <+24>:    push   0xf00d
   0x08048414 <+29>:    push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
   0x08048417 <+32>:    call   0x80483eb <foo>
   0x0804841c <+37>:    add    esp,0x8
   0x0804841f <+40>:    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x10],eax
   0x08048422 <+43>:    sub    esp,0x8
   0x08048425 <+46>:    push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0x10]
   0x08048428 <+49>:    push   0x80484d0
   0x0804842d <+54>:    call   0x80482c0 <printf@plt>
   0x08048432 <+59>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048435 <+62>:    mov    eax,0x0
   0x0804843a <+67>:    mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
   0x0804843d <+70>:    leave
   0x0804843e <+71>:    lea    esp,[ecx-0x4]
   0x08048441 <+74>:    ret
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) disas foo
Dump of assembler code for function foo:
   0x080483eb <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x080483ec <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x080483ee <+3>:     mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
   0x080483f1 <+6>:     imul   eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
   0x080483f5 <+10>:    pop    ebp
   0x080483f6 <+11>:    ret
End of assembler dump.


The part that confuses me is what it is trying to do with the stack.From my understanding this is what it does:


First it takes a reference to some memory address 4 bytes higher in the stack which from my knowledge should be the variables passed to main since esp currently pointed to the return address in memory.


Second it aligns the stack to a 0 boundary for performance reasons.

第三次将其压入新的堆栈区域ecx + 4,这将转换为将我们假定要返回的地址压入堆栈.

Third it pushes onto the new stack area ecx+4 which should translate to pushing the address we are suppose to be returning to on the stack.


Fourth it pushes the old frame pointer onto the stack and sets up the new one.


Fifth it pushes ecx (which is still pointing to would should be an argument to main) onto the stack.


The the program does what it should and begins the process of returning.


First it restores ecx by using a -0x4 offset on ebp which should access the first local variable.


Second it executes the leave instruction which really just sets esp to ebp and then pops ebp from the stack.


So now the next thing on the stack is the return address and the esp and ebp registers should be back to what they need to be to return right?


Well evidently not because the next thing it does is load esp with ecx-0x4 which since ecx is still pointing to that variable passed to main should put it at the address of return address on the stack.


This works just fine but raises the question of why it bothered putting the return address onto the stack in step 3 since it returned the stack to the original position at the end just before actually returning from the function.


更新:gcc8至少在正常用例(-fomit-frame-pointer,并且没有需要可变大小分配的alloca或C99 VLA)中简化了此操作.可能是由于AVX使用量的增加导致更多功能需要32字节对齐的本地或数组而引起的.

Update: gcc8 simplifies this at least for normal use-cases (-fomit-frame-pointer, and no alloca or C99 VLAs that require variable-size allocation). Perhaps motivated by increasing usage of AVX leading to more functions wanting a 32-byte aligned local or array.


如果仅运行几次(例如,在32位代码中main的开头),则此复杂的序言就可以了,但是它越多,似乎越值得优化. GCC有时仍会在所有将大于16字节的对齐对象优化到寄存器的函数中对堆栈进行过度对齐,这虽然已经错过了优化,但是当堆栈对齐更便宜时,这种情况就不那么糟糕了.

This complicated prologue is fine if it only ever runs a couple times (e.g. at the start of main in 32-bit code), but the more it appears the more worthwhile it is to optimize it. GCC sometimes still over-aligns the stack in functions where all >16-byte aligned objects are optimized into registers, which is a missed optimization already but less bad when the stack alignment is cheaper.

gcc在对齐函数中的堆栈时也会生成一些笨拙的代码.我有一个可能的理论(见下文),为什么gcc可能会将返回地址复制到保存ebp的上方以制作堆栈框架(是的,我同意gcc在做什么) ).在该函数中看起来没有必要,并且clang不会做任何类似的事情.

gcc makes some clunky code when aligning the stack within a function, even with optimization enabled. I have a possible theory (see below) on why gcc might be copying the return address to just above where it saves ebp to make a stack frame (and yes, I agree that's what gcc is doing). It doesn't look necessary in this function, and clang doesn't do anything like that.

此外,ecx的废话可能只是gcc没有优化掉其对齐堆栈样板中不需要的部分. (esp的预对齐值是在堆栈上引用args所必需的,因此将第一个可能是arg的地址放入寄存器中是有意义的.)

Besides that, the nonsense with ecx is probably just gcc not optimizing away unneeded parts of its align-the-stack boilerplate. (The pre-alignment value of esp is needed to reference args on the stack, so it makes sense that it puts the address of the first would-be arg into a register).

使用32位代码进行优化后,您会看到相同的东西(其中gcc生成的main不会假定16B堆栈对齐,即使当前版本的ABI要求在进程启动,调用main的CRT代码要么对齐堆栈本身,要么保留内核提供的初始对齐(我忘记了).您还会在将堆栈对齐到大于16B的函数中看到这一点(例如,使用__m256类型的函数,有时即使它们从未溢出到栈中.或者带有C ++ 11 alignas(32)声明的数组的函数,或任何其他要求对齐的方式.)在64位代码中,gcc似乎总是为此使用r10而不是rcx.

You see the same thing with optimization in 32-bit code (where gcc makes a main that doesn't assume 16B stack alignment, even though the current version of the ABI requires that at process startup, and the CRT code that calls main either aligns the stack itself or preserves the initial alignment provided by the kernel, I forget). You also see this in functions that align the stack to more than 16B (e.g. functions that use __m256 types, sometimes even if they never spill them to the stack. Or functions with an array declared with C++11 alignas(32), or any other way of requesting alignment.) In 64-bit code, gcc always seems to use r10 for this, not rcx.


There's nothing required for ABI compliance about the way gcc does it, because clang does something much simpler.

我添加了一个对齐的变量(使用volatile作为一种简单的方法,可以强制编译器在堆栈上为其实际保留对齐的空间,而不是对其进行优化).我把您的代码 rel =" nofollow noreferrer>,以使用-O3查看asm.我在gcc 4.9、5.3和6.1中看到了相同的行为,但是在clang中却看到了不同的行为.

I added an aligned variable (with volatile as a simple way to force the compiler to actually reserve aligned space for it on the stack, instead of optimizing it away). I put your code on the Godbolt compiler explorer, to look at the asm with -O3. I see the same behaviour from gcc 4.9, 5.3, and 6.1, but different behaviour with clang.

int main(){
    __attribute__((aligned(32))) volatile int v = 1;
    return 0;

Clang3.8的-O3 -m32输出在功能上与其-m64输出相同.请注意,-O3启用-fomit-frame-pointer,但是某些功能仍然会生成堆栈帧.

Clang3.8's -O3 -m32 output is functionally identical to its -m64 output. Note that -O3 enables -fomit-frame-pointer, but some functions make stack frames anyway.

    push    ebp
    mov     ebp, esp                # make a stack frame *before* aligning, so ebp-relative addressing can only access stack args, not aligned locals.
    and     esp, -32
    sub     esp, 32                 # esp is 32B aligned with 32 or 48B above esp reserved (depending on incoming alignment)
    mov     dword ptr [esp], 1      # store v
    xor     eax, eax                # return 0
    mov     esp, ebp                # leave
    pop     ebp

gcc的输出在-m32-m64之间几乎相同,但是将v放在-m64标签为'red-zone'"rel =" tag> red-zone 的问题,因此-m32输出有两个额外的说明:

gcc's output is nearly the same between -m32 and -m64, but it puts v in the red-zone with -m64 so the -m32 output has two extra instructions:

    # gcc 6.1 -m32 -O3 -fverbose-asm.  Most of gcc's comment lines are empty.  I guess that means it has no idea why it's emitting those insns :P
    lea     ecx, [esp+4]      #,   get a pointer to where the first arg would be
    and     esp, -32  #,          align
    xor     eax, eax  #           return 0
    push    DWORD PTR [ecx-4]       #  No clue WTF this is for; this looks batshit insane, but happens even in 64bit mode.
    push    ebp     #             make a stackframe, even though -fomit-frame-pointer is on by default and we can already restore the original esp from ecx (unlike clang)
    mov     ebp, esp  #,
    push    ecx     #             save the old esp value (even though this function doesn't clobber ecx...)
    sub     esp, 52   #,          reserve space for v  (not present with -m64)
    mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-56], 1     # v,
    add     esp, 52   #,          unreserve (not present with -m64)
    pop     ecx       #           restore ecx (even though nothing clobbered it)
    pop     ebp       #           at least it knows it can just pop instead of `leave`
    lea     esp, [ecx-4]      #,  restore pre-alignment esp

似乎gcc想要在对齐堆栈之后使它的堆栈框架(使用push ebp) .我想这很有意义,因此它可以引用相对于ebp的本地语言.否则,如果要对齐本地人,则必须使用esp相对寻址.

It seems that gcc wants to make its stack frame (with push ebp) after aligning the stack. I guess that makes sense, so it can reference locals relative to ebp. Otherwise it would have to use esp-relative addressing, if it wanted aligned locals.


The extra copy of the return address after aligning but before pushing ebp means that the return address is copied to the expected place relative to the saved ebp value (and the value that will be in ebp when child functions are called). So this does potentially help code that wants to unwind the stack by following the linked list of stack frames, and looking at return-addresses to find out what function is involved.

我不确定这是否与现代堆栈展开信息有关,该信息允许使用-fomit-frame-pointer进行堆栈展开(回溯/异常处理). (这是.eh_frame部分中的元数据.这是围绕esp的每次修改的.cfi_*指令的目的.)我应该看看clang在非叶函数中必须对齐堆栈时所执行的操作.

I'm not sure whether this matters with modern stack-unwind info that allows stack-unwinding (backtraces / exception handling) with -fomit-frame-pointer. (It's metadata in the .eh_frame section. This is what the .cfi_* directives around every modification to esp are for.) I should look at what clang does when it has to align the stack in a non-leaf function.

在函数内部需要esp的原始值来引用堆栈上的函数args.我认为gcc不知道如何优化其align-the-stack方法中不需要的部分. (例如,main不会查看其args(并且声明不接受任何参数))

The original value of esp would be needed inside the function to reference function args on the stack. I think gcc doesn't know how to optimize away unneeded parts of its align-the-stack method. (e.g. out main doesn't look at its args (and is declared not to take any))


This kind of code-gen is typical of what you see in a function that needs to align the stack; it's not extra weird because of using a volatile with automatic storage.


08-04 06:12