使用Facebook的API V1是可能的发布事件。随着API V2这是不可能的了。
Yes, according to Facebook, the process of switching all apps over to API v2 is expected to take a couple of weeks. This was stated in the Facebook Developers Group on Facebook, when they started the v1 to v2 migration.
No 3rd party app will get any special treatment – so even Eventbrite will not be able to create events via API any more, once their app is migrated to v2 as well.
This has also been stated by Facebook employees in the aforementioned group on multiple occasions. This topic has come up there frequently, also regarding f.e. removal of the ability to see all of a user’s friends or removal of the permission to access a user’s groups. People have been asking how "big players" like f.e. Hootsuite can still do those things, whereas their own apps that have been using API v2 already couldn’t – and the official answer has always been, those other apps are still using v1, but once they are migrated to v2 too, they will lose those abilities too, and there will be no special treatment or exceptions.
这篇关于发布与API V2事件给Facebook的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!