

本文介绍了调试时Visual Studio 2010冻结启动浏览器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Visual Studio 2010专业版,尝试使用F5或工具栏快捷方式在Web项目上开始调试.每次尝试此操作时,Visual Studio都会成功构建项目,但随后在启动之前便会挂起 Web浏览器.然后,我唯一的选择是使用任务管理器杀死devenv.exe进程.

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition, attempting to start debugging on Web projects using either F5 or the toolbar shortcut.  Every time I try this, Visual Studio successfully builds the projects, but then simply hangs before launching the Web browser.  The only option I then have is to kill the devenv.exe process using Task Manager.

我尝试使用Visual Studio启动的浏览器更改浏览器,以使用浏览方式"进行调试. IE或Firefox的选项,但都不起作用.我可以成功使用在浏览器中查看"功能并启动 适当的浏览器,只是不在调试"状态模式.我还可以在VS中构建项目,手动启动浏览器并浏览到站点,然后在VS中附加调试器,它将进行调试,但是我确实需要内置的开始调试"才能工作 如果可能的话.我还尝试过修复VS安装,并且多次重新启动均无效.

I have tried changing the browser Visual Studio launches for debugging using the "Browse With" option to either IE or Firefox, and neither has any effect.  I can successfully use the "View in Browser" function and it launches the appropriate browser, just not in "debug" mode.  I can also build the project in VS, launch the browser manually and browse to the site, then attach the debugger in VS and it will debug, but I really need the built in Start Debugging to work if possible.  I have also tried repairing my VS installation, and multiple reboots to no effect.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?




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08-04 05:37