好吧,现在我得到:尝试运行项目时出错:无法启动 调试 由于asp进程正在运行,因此禁用了Asp调试作为一个没有调试许可的用户。 我承认这比我的第一条消息有所改善,我来到这里 感谢您的指导,启用调试 项目>> Proejct Name Properties>>配置>>支付Well , now i''am getting :error while trying to run project: Unable to startdebuggingAsp debugging is disabled because asp process is running as a user that doesnot have debugging permissons.I admit it is an improvement compare to my first message and i got herethanks to your guidance by enabling debugging inProject >> "Proejct Name Properties >> Configuaration >> Debuging 我以管理员身份登录,此帐户属于调试器 组。我刚检查过这个。I''m logged on as administrator and this account belongs to the debuggersgroup. i have just checked this. 好吧,现在我得到:尝试运行项目时出错:无法调试 Asp调试被禁用,因为asp进程是作为没有调试权限的用户运行的。 感谢您在 Project>>中启用调试的指导。 Proejct Name Well , now i''am getting :error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging Asp debugging is disabled because asp process is running as a user that does not have debugging permissons. I admit it is an improvement compare to my first message and i got here thanks to your guidance by enabling debugging in Project >> "Proejct Name 我以管理员身份登录,此帐户属于调试器组。我刚检查过这个。 I''m logged on as administrator and this account belongs to the debuggers group. i have just checked this. 这篇关于尝试运行项目时出错:无法在Web服务器上启动调试。项目未配置为已调试。 Windows 2003服务器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-04 05:36