

本文介绍了在多个驱动程序上运行WebDriver NUnit测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们最近开始使用WebDriver(支持Selenium 1),使用NUnit框架执行浏览器测试.由于我们想在各种浏览器中运行测试,因此我们为每个浏览器定义了驱动程序,并在安装夹具时将它们放在列表中:

We recently started to use WebDriver (in favor of Selenium 1) for performing browser tests, using the NUnit framework. Since we want to run the tests in a variety of browsers, we define drivers for each and put them in a list during fixture set up:

public void SetupTest()
    // Load drivers
    Drivers = new List<IWebDriver>
                new ChromeDriver(),


In every single test we iterate through the list like this:

public void SomeTest()
    foreach (var driver in Drivers)


It feels wrong to do this in all the test methods. The test methods should not be concerned with what driver they should work on. Ideally we would have something like this:

public void SomeTest(IWebDriver driver)


One way we could solve this is by using TestCases:

[TestCase(new ChromeDriver())]
[TestCase(new FireFoxDriver())]


But this is a lot of duplication and shifts the problem of correct initialization of the drivers into the attributes of every single tests. Not really a gain.


Is there any way the NUnit framework can be told to execute the whole suite of tests and inject a different parameter to the individual tests in every run? Or is there any other good solution to this?


您应该可以使用 TestCaseSourceAttribute .首先创建一个提供Web驱动程序集合的通常可访问的类:

You should be able to use the TestCaseSourceAttribute. First create a commonly accessible class that provides the collection of web drivers:

public static class WebDriverFactory
    public static IWebDriver[] Drivers =
        new ChromeDriver(),
        new FirefoxDriver(),


Next, implement your web driver dependent unit tests like this:

[Test, TestCaseSource(typeof(WebDriverFactory), "Drivers")]
public void SomeTest(IWebDriver driver)

(可选)为减少实现每个单元测试时的键入,还定义一个新的 Attribute 类,该类继承自 TestCaseSourceAttribute ,并且仅实现默认构造函数:

Optionally, to reduce typing when implementing each unit test, also define a new Attribute class that inherits from TestCaseSourceAttribute and that only implements a default constructor:

public class WebDriverSourceAttribute : TestCaseSourceAttribute
    public WebDriverSourceAttribute() : base(typeof(WebDriverFactory), "Drivers")

使用继承的 WedDriverSource 属性,现在可以将单元测试简化为:

Using the inherited WedDriverSource attribute, the unit tests can now be simplified to:

[Test, WebDriverSource]
public void SomeTest(IWebDriver driver)

这篇关于在多个驱动程序上运行WebDriver NUnit测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 05:32