


  • yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores = 10
  • yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb = 26100

然后显示在我的YARN群集页面( http://myhost:8088/cluster/apps )上的群集指标显示 VCores总数 40 .很好!



  • -驱动程序内存20480m
  • -执行者内存20000m
  • -num-executors 4
  • -executor-cores 10
  • -conf spark.yarn.am.cores = 2
  • -conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead = 5600

我将-executor-cores 设置为 10 ,将-num-executors 设置为 4 ,从逻辑上讲,应该总共使用 40个Vcores .但是,当Spark作业开始运行后,当我检查同一YARN群集页面时,只有 4个使用的Vcores ,而 4个完整的Vcores




我还尝试以细粒度的方式(例如,使用--num executors 40 --executor-cores 1)运行相同的Spark作业,以此方式,我再次检查了每个工作节点上的CPU状态,并且所有CPU内核都被完全占用.




在应用程序的YARN UI中检查分配了多少个容器和vcore,更改后的容器数量应为执行者+1,而vcore应为:((执行者核心*数量)执行者+1./p>

I have a Hadoop cluster with 5 nodes, each of which has 12 cores with 32GB memory. I use YARN as MapReduce framework, so I have the following settings with YARN:

  • yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores=10
  • yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb=26100

Then the cluster metrics shown on my YARN cluster page (http://myhost:8088/cluster/apps) displayed that VCores Total is 40. This is pretty fine!

Then I installed Spark on top of it and use spark-shell in yarn-client mode.

I ran one Spark job with the following configuration:

  • --driver-memory 20480m
  • --executor-memory 20000m
  • --num-executors 4
  • --executor-cores 10
  • --conf spark.yarn.am.cores=2
  • --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=5600

I set --executor-cores as 10, --num-executors as 4, so logically, there should be totally 40 Vcores Used. However, when I check the same YARN cluster page after the Spark job started running, there are only 4 Vcores Used, and 4 Vcores Total

I also found that there is a parameter in capacity-scheduler.xml - called yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator:

I then changed that value to DominantResourceCalculator.

But then when I restarted YARN and run the same Spark application, I still got the same result, say the cluster metrics still told that VCores used is 4! I also checked the CPU and memory usage on each node with htop command, I found that none of the nodes had all 10 CPU cores fully occupied. What can be the reason?

I tried also to run the same Spark job in fine-grained way, say with --num executors 40 --executor-cores 1, in this ways I checked again the CPU status on each worker node, and all CPU cores are fully occupied.


I was wondering the same but changing the resource-calculator worked for me.
This is how I set the property:


Check in the YARN UI in the application how many containers and vcores are assigned, with the change the number of containers should be executors+1 and the vcores should be: (executor-cores*num-executors) +1.


08-04 04:54