


What is a good aproach to handle background processes in a NodeJS application?


Scenario: After a user posts something to an app I want to crunch the data, request additional data from external resources, etc. All of this is quite time consuming, so I want it out of the req/res loop. Ideal would be to just have a queue of jobs where you can quickly dump a job on and a daemon or task runner will always take the oldest one and process it.


In RoR I would have done it with something like Delayed Job. What is the Node equivalent of this API?



If you want something lightweight, that runs in the same process as the server, I highly recommend Bull. It has a simple API that allows for a fine grained control over your queues.

如果您正在寻找可以作为独立工作进程运行的程序,则可以查看 Kue .它可以作为RESTful API服务器运行,甚至为它编写了多个前端应用程序.

If you're looking for something that runs as a standalone worker process, perhaps look into Kue. It can run as a RESTful API server, and even has several front-end apps written for it.

如果您熟悉Ruby的Resque,则有一个名为 Node-resque

If you're familiar with Ruby's Resque, there is a node implementation called Node-resque

Bull,Kue和Node-resque均由 Redis 支持,这在Node.js工作人员队列中无处不在.这三者都能做到RoR的DelayedJob所做的事情,这与您想要的特定功能以及您的API首选项有关.

Bull, Kue and Node-resque are all backed by Redis, which is ubiquitous among Node.js worker queues. All 3 would be able to do what RoR's DelayedJob does, it's matter of specific features that you want, and your API preferences.


08-04 04:47