


I have created a cluster consists of three RabbitMQ nodes using join_cluster command.


rabbitmqctl –n rabbit2@MYPC1 join_cluster rabbit2@MYPC1


(currently the cluster runs on a single computer)



  1. 我配置了什么?

  2. 我该如何配置?知道吗?

  3. 如何进行更改?

  4. 在Active Active和amp; amp;之间有很大的性能折衷吗主动被动?

  5. 与主动/主动交互的最佳实践是什么?


  6. 与主动/被动交互的最佳实践是什么?


  1. What did I configure?
  2. How do I know?
  3. How can it be changed?
  4. Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
  5. What is the best practice to interact with active/active?
    i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
  6. What is the best practice to interact with active/passive?
    if I interact with only the active - this is a single point f failure




I have been doing some research into availability options with RabbitMQ and while I am still fairly new, I'll attempt to answer your questions with the knowledge I do have. Please understand that these answers are not intended to be comprehensive.

在回答问题和答案之前,我认为应该指出使用主动/主动术语在单台计算机上运行的群集的上下文中,主动/被动和主动/被动并不真正适用。主动/主动和主动/被动是用于描述高可用性集群的术语,在该集群中,您拥有一个以上的逻辑服务器(如果是多个RabbitMQ集群),共享/冗余存储,网络功能,电源等系统。 / p>

Before getting to the questions and answers, I think it's worth pointing out that I think using the terms Active/Active and Active/Passive in the context of a cluster running on a single computer does not really apply. Active/Active and Active/Passive are typically terms used to describe highly available clusters where you have a system of more than one logical server (in your case, multiple RabbitMQ clusters), shared/redundant storage, network capabilities, power, etc.

  1. 我配置了什么?


  2. 我怎么知道?


  3. 如何更改它?


  4. Active与Active之间是否需要进行较大的性能折衷&主动被动式吗?

    我认为当您开始引入数据复制和/或冗余时,您会开始看到性能下降,这会同时影响主动/主动式和主动/被动式。如果使用同步数据复制,则与异步复制数据相比,您将看到更大的性能影响。还有很多事情要做,但是对我来说,使用Active / Active可能会带来更大的性能损失,但这在很大程度上取决于所有组件协同工作的速度。在主动/被动模式下,您可能会在服务器之间使用异步复制,因此性能可能会更好,但是在故障转移的情况下,您需要等待复制完成才能切换到辅助服务器。

  5. 与主动/主动交互的最佳实践是什么?即安装负载均衡器?会循环运行的Apache


  6. 与主动/被动互动的最佳实践是什么?如果我仅与主动服务器交互-这是一个单点故障


  1. What did I configure?
    Without any load balancing for the nodes in your cluster or queue mirroring you have neither, meaning you do not have a highly available cluster.
  2. How do I know?
    RabbitMQ does not provide any connection management so traffic with a failed node will not automatically be passed on to a different node, which is required for an active/active cluster. Without queue mirroring you do not have fully redundant nodes in your cluster, which is required for active/passive.
  3. How can it be changed?
    Even if you implement load balancing and/or queue mirroring you are missing a number of requirements to offer a highly-available RabbitMQ cluster. Primarily, with a RabbitMQ cluster you only have a single logical broker (at least two are required for an HA cluster).
  4. Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
    I think you will start seeing performance penalties as you start introducing data replication and/or redundancy, which would affect both Active/Active and Active/Passive. If you are using synchronous data replication then you will see a bigger performance hit than if you replicate data asynchronously. There's a lot more to it, but to me this feels like there may be a bigger performance hit by using Active/Active but this depends heavily on how fast all of the pieces are working together. In Active/Passive where you may be using asynchronous replication across servers your performance may appear better but in a failover situation you would need to wait for that replication to complete before you can switch to your secondary server.
  5. What is the best practice to interact with active/active? i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
    RabbitMQ recommends using a load balancer so that you do not have to leak details about the nodes in your cluster to the clients.
  6. What is the best practice to interact with active/passive? if I interact with only the active - this is a single point of failure
    It is a point of failure but with Active/Passive you can implement a failure strategy to retry the next available server or all remaining servers. With these strategies in place you can establish a scenario where the capabilities of your cluster are merely degraded while a failover is happening instead of totally unavailable. Also, you can interact with the passive side but the types of interactions may be very different (i.e. read-only access) since there may be fewer resources available on the passive side and there may be delays in data replication.


Here are some references used to gather this information:

  • High-Availability Cluster on Wikipedia
  • Clustering with RabbitMQ
  • Highly Available Queues in a RabbitMQ Cluster
  • High Availability in RabbitMQ


08-04 04:43