

本文介绍了将 RabbitMQ 与数据库事务集成的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



var txn = new DatabaseTransaction();

var entry = txn.Database.Load<Entry>(id);
entry.Token = "123";

PublishRabbitMqMessage(new EntryUpdatedMessage { ID = entry.ID });

// A bit more of processing


现在 EntryUpdatedMessage 的使用者可能会在提交事务 txn 之前 获得此消息,因此将无法看到更新.

Now a consumer of EntryUpdatedMessage can potentially get this message before the transaction txn is committed and therefore will not be able to see the update.

现在,我知道 RabbitMQ 本身确实支持事务,但我们不能真正使用它们,因为我们为每个发布创建了一个新的 IModel 并且在我们的场景中拥有每线程模型真的很麻烦(ASP.NET Web 应用程序).

Now, I know that RabbitMQ does support transactions by itself, but we cannot really use them because we create a new IModel for each publish and having a per-thread model is really cumbersome in our scenario (ASP.NET web application).


I thought of having a list of messages due to be published when a DB transaction is committed, but that's a really smelly solution.


What is the correct way of handling this?


RabbitMQ 鼓励您使用发布者确认而不是事务.交易表现不佳.

RabbitMQ encourages you to use publisher confirms rather than transactions. Transactions do not perform well.


In any case, transactions don't usually work very well with a service oriented architecture. It's better to adopt an 'eventually consistent' approach, where failure can be retried at a later date and duplicate idempotent messages are ignored.


In your example I would do the database update and commit it before publishing the message. When the publisher confirm returns, I would update a field in the database record to indicate that the message had been sent. You can then have a sweeper process come along later, check for unsent messages and send them on their way. If the message did get through, but for some reason the confirm, or subsequent database write failed, you will get a duplicate message. But that won't matter, because you've designed your messages to be idempotent.

这篇关于将 RabbitMQ 与数据库事务集成的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 04:34