


I need to calculate the shortest distance between two point matrices. I am new to R and have no clue how to do this. This is the code that I used to call in the data and convert them to points

laurus <- gbif("Laurus", "nobilis")
locs <- subset(laurus, select = c("country", "lat", "lon"))
#uk observations
locs.uk <-subset(locs, locs$country=="United Kingdom")
#ireland observations
locs.ire <- subset(locs, locs$country=="Ireland")

uk_coord <-SpatialPoints(locs.uk[,c("lon","lat")])
ire_coord <-SpatialPoints(locs.ire[,c("lon","lat")])
crs.geo<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")  # geographical, datum WGS84
proj4string(uk_coord) <-crs.geo #define projection
proj4string(ire_coord) <-crs.geo #define projection

我需要计算从爱尔兰的点到英国的点的最短距离(欧几里得).换句话说,我需要计算从爱尔兰的每个点到英国的点层中其壁橱点的距离. 有人可以告诉我执行此操作需要使用什么功能或程序包.我查看了 gdistance ,但找不到找到最短距离的函数.

I need to calculate the shortest distance (Euclidean) from points in Ireland to points in UK. In other words I need to calculate the distance from each point in Ireland to its closet point in the UK points layer. Can some one tell me what function or package I need to use in order to do this. I looked at gdistance and could not find a function that calculate the shortest distance.



You can use the FNN package which uses spatial trees to make the search efficient. It works with euclidean geometry, so you should transform your points to a planar coordinate system. I'll use rgdal package to convert to UK grid reference (stretching it a bit to use it over ireland here, but your original data was New York and you should use a New York planar coord system for that):

> require(rgdal)
> uk_coord = spTransform(uk_coord, CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))
> ire_coord = spTransform(ire_coord, CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))


Now we can use FNN:

> require(FNN)
> g = get.knnx(coordinates(uk_coord), coordinates(ire_coord),k=1)
> str(g)
List of 2
 $ nn.index: int [1:69, 1] 202 488 202 488 253 253 488 253 253 253 ...
 $ nn.dist : num [1:69, 1] 232352 325375 87325 251770 203863 ...


g is a list of indexes and distances of the uk points that are nearest to the 69 irish points. The distances are in metres because the coordinate system is in metres.


You can illustrate this by plotting the points then joining irish point 1 to uk point 202, irish 2 to uk 488, irish 3 to uk 202 etc. In code:

> plot(uk_coord, col=2, xlim=c(-1e5,6e5))
> plot(ire_coord, add=TRUE)
> segments(coordinates(ire_coord)[,1], coordinates(ire_coord)[,2], coordinates(uk_coord[g$nn.index[,1]])[,1], coordinates(uk_coord[g$nn.index[,1]])[,2])


08-04 04:18