

我想获得各种轴相机的旋转在OpenGL(但使用Java,LWJGL和JME的具体)。相机对象可以让我得到的方向作为Vector3f,但是这似乎并没有工作就是让这些组件化的旋转;每个轴出现并列到另一个轴。我发现,与偏移角度成分toAngleAxis是一个快速劈,但不会在大多数情况下正常工作。我不是在数学遗憾的是那么好,否则我可能已经能够制定出这个问题:)同样,我只需要在X,Y和Z轴组件化和弧度,从0弧度到2 PI弧度。

I'm trying to obtain the camera rotation on various axis in OpenGL (but using Java, LWJGL, and jME specifically). The camera object allows me to get the direction as a Vector3f, but this doesn't seem to work to get the componentised rotation; each axis appears tied to another axis. I found that toAngleAxis with the angle component with offset was a quick hack, but doesn't work properly in most situations. I'm not so good at maths unfortunately, otherwise I may have been able to work out this problem :) Again, I just need the X, Y and Z axes componentised and in radians, from 0 radians to 2 PI radians.



Cheers and thanks in advance,Chris



Obtaining the rotation angels requires just transforming the view vector given in cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates. You can find the formulas in wikipedia.

viewvector = <x, y, z>

r = sqrt(x² + y² + z²)
phi = arctan2(y, x)
theta = arccos(z / r)


Note that you can only obtain two rotation angels form the view vector. Obtaining the third rotation angle requires knowing the projection plane x or y axis.


09-06 05:34