


Is it necessary to write different versions of Blackberry applications for different devices? For example, I have an application "MyApp", and I need it to run on different devices:

  • 9700 - MyApp的V1

  • 9550 - MyApp的V2


Can I write one MyApp for both devices?


,如果你想你的应用程序,才能与现有设备支持的操作系统版本的devicies或设施的特定性能的优势取决于。 9550例如是触摸设备而9700则不是。有两大策略:1)编写你的应用程序的最小公分母(OS和hardware0; 2)你写的应用程序,以最大限度地利用设施的每个支持的设备上使用。所以,是的,你可以写两个装置的一个MyApp的,如果满足你的目标和用户。

That depends on if you want your application to take advantage of specific properties of the devicies or facilities available with the OS version supported on the device. The 9550, for example, is a touch device while the 9700 isn't. There are two broad strategies: 1) write your application to the lowest common denominator (OS and hardware0; 2) write you application to make maximum use of the facilities available on each supported device. So, yes, you can write one MyApp for both devices if that satisfies your goals and users.


08-24 16:57