本文介绍了如何处理Java BigDecimal性能?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我为生活编写货币交易应用程序,所以我必须使用货币值(遗憾的是,Java仍然没有十进制浮动类型,并且没有任何东西可以支持任意精度的货币计算)。 使用BigDecimal! - 你可能会说。我做。但是现在我有一些代码,其中性能 是一个问题,BigDecimal比 double 原语慢1000倍(!)。

I write currency trading applications for living, so I have to work with monetary values (it's a shame that Java still doesn't have decimal float type and has nothing to support arbitrary-precision monetary calculations). "Use BigDecimal!" — you might say. I do. But now I have some code where performance is an issue, and BigDecimal is more than 1000 times (!) slower than double primitives.

计算非常简单:系统做的是多次计算 a =(1 / b)* c (其中 a b c 是定点值)。然而,问题在于此(1 / b)。我不能使用定点算术,因为没有固定点。并且 BigDecimal结果= a.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.divide(b).multiply(c)不仅难看,而且速度缓慢。

The calculations are very simple: what the system does is calculating a = (1/b) * c many many times (where a, b and c are fixed-point values). The problem, however, lies with this (1/b). I can't use fixed point arithmetic because there is no fixed point. And BigDecimal result = a.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.divide(b).multiply(c) is not only ugly, but sluggishly slow.


What can I use to replace BigDecimal? I need at least 10x performance increase. I found otherwise excellent JScience library which has arbitrary-precision arithmetics, but it's even slower than BigDecimal.



你应该先用a = c / b替换a =(1 / b)* c吗?它不是10x,但仍然是。

May be you should start with replacing a = (1/b) * c with a = c/b ? It's not 10x, but still something.


If I were you, I'd create my own class Money, which would keep long dollars and long cents, and do math in it.

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08-04 02:57