




Does it simply check if divisor is different from zero every time there is division done (even in JIT-ed code)?


I mean how VM manages to throw an exception without being previously killed by the OS?


在Unix环境中,除零是 signal 通过 SIGFPE 引导,JVM将安装一个信号处理程序,用于捕获 SIGFPE 反过来抛出 s ArithmeticException 。如果您对内部感兴趣,请参阅例如男子信号

In an Unix environment, in which division-by-zero is signalled via SIGFPE, the JVM will have installed a signal handler which traps the SIGFPE and in turn throws an ArithmeticException. If you're interested in the internals, see e.g. man signal

我认为OP所要求的是基于以下事实:直到/除非 SIGFPE 处理程序到位,大多数进程将在接收此信号时采取默认操作,即终止。因此,例如,一个C程序

What I believe the OP is asking is based on the fact that, until/unless a SIGFPE handler is in place, most processes will take the default action on receiving this signal, which is to terminate. Thus, e.g. a C program

 int main (int argc, char** argv) { int n = 5 / 0; }

...如果它甚至编译,将被默认 SIGFPE → SIG_DFL 操作。相反,JVM的处理程序发出( catch able) RuntimeException ,以便可以以本机看似的方式处理这些异常。

… if it even compiles, will be killed by the default SIGFPESIG_DFL action. The JVM's handler instead issues the (catchable) RuntimeException so that these exceptions can be handled in a native-seeming way.

正如其他几个人指出的那样,只是为了完整性,事实上从内核生成的 SIGFPE 通常从处理器本身的特殊中断映射;因此,管道类似于

As several others pointed out, and just for completeness, in point of fact the SIGFPE generated from the kernel is generally mapped from a special interrupt from the processor itself; thus, the "pipeline" is something like

  • CPU错误陷阱中断→内核中断处理程序→ SIGFPE SIG_DFL →处理死亡

  • CPU error trap interrupt → kernel interrupt handler → SIGFPE SIG_DFL → process death

  • CPU错误陷阱中断→内核中断处理程序→ JVM中的SIGFPE 处理程序→用户代码中的RuntimeException ArithmeticException

  • CPU error trap interrupt → kernel interrupt handler → SIGFPE handler in JVM → RuntimeException ArithmeticException in user code


On non-Unix platforms the handling is analogous.


08-04 02:57