


I'm working with open source project (axil) that implements a scripting engine inside of java applications and I've hit a major stumbling block while trying to utilize BigDecimal's rounding. It seems that BigDecimal is converting my input to scientific notation and then applying my passed in precision to the coefficient of the SN representation of the number, rather than to its non-SN representation. For example:

new BigDecimal( - 232454.5324)。round(new MathContext(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP))。toString()

产生 -2.3E + 5 的结果。这给我带来了两个问题。首先,我期待 -232454.5 -2.324545E + 5 )的结果,所以得到 -230000 抛弃任何涉及结果的数学运算。第二,我没想到,也无法找到解决办法,将结果记录在SN中(虽然我希望有一种格式化方法,我还没有偶然发现)。

produces a result of -2.3E+5. This presents two problems for me. First, I am expecting a result of -232454.5 (-2.324545E+5), so getting -230000 throws off any math that involves the result. And second, I am not expecting, nor can I find a way around, getting the results in SN (though I expect there is a formatting method out there that I haven't yet stumbled across).


Now due to the nature of the project, we can make very few expectations about what size/type of numbers will be getting passed into the round() method, so any solution needs to be highly modular. Does anyone have any suggestions? If it would be helpful here's a link to the google code issue report for this bug in the project. And here is a link to the project homepage.




Don't use the round method , use setScale instead, where argument is number of decimals:

BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("-232454.5324").setScale(1,
String string = bd.toPlainString();
System.out.println(string); // prints -232454.5


Also note that setScale returns a new BigDecimal instance, it doesn't change the scale of the current instance.


08-04 02:52