I have a file of data Dump, in with different timestamped data available, I get the time from timestamp and sleep my c thread for that time. But the problem is that The actual time difference is 10 second and the data which I receive at the receiving end is almost 14, 15 second delay. I am using window OS. Kindly guide me.
Sorry for my week English.
- 您有发送数据线程(通过网络?是什么数据源?)
- 您慢下来使用的睡眠节奏发送
- 所接收的数据(在网络的另一端)可以被延迟多(15秒,而不是10秒)
If the above describe what you are doing, your design has several flaws:
- 睡得很IM precise,它会等待至少n秒,但它可能是更(尤其是如果您的系统被其他正在运行的应用加载)。
- 网络引入缓冲延迟,你有没有保证您的数据将被立即发送上线(通常不需要)。
- 本身导致的延时(延迟)行了,如果你的协议等待ACK从接收端,你应该考虑到这一点。
- 您也应该考虑必要的时间来读/生成/检索数据的发送和真正发送过来的电线。根据你在做什么,它可以忽略不计,或采取几秒钟......
如果你给一些更多的细节将会更容易诊断问题的根源。 睡眠
If you give some more details it will be easier to diagnostic the source of the problem. sleep
as you believe (it is indeed a really poor timer) or some other part of your system.
If your dump is large, I will bet that the additional time comes from reading data and sending it over the wire. You should mesure time consumed in the sending process (reading time before and after finishing sending).
If this is indeed the source of the additional time, you just have to remove that time from the next time to wait.
Example: Sending the previous block of data took 4s, the next block is 10s later, but as you allready consumed 4s, you just wait for 6s.
仍然是一个相当IM precise计时器,显然,如果发送时间比sendings之间的延迟越大,上述机制将无法正常工作,但你的主意。
is still a quite imprecise timer and obviously the above mechanism won't work if sending time is larger than delay between sendings, but you get the idea.
Correction sleep is not so bad in windows environment as it is in unixes. Accuracy of windows sleep is millisecond, accuracy of unix sleep is second. If you do not need high precision timing (and if network is involved high precision timing is out of reach anyway) sleep should be ok.