

.expandingTextarea在表格内不起作用涉及在 $('td')的表格单元格上使用css('max-width','0px')

An answer posted to jQuery.expandingTextarea not working inside a table involves the use on a table-cell of $('td').css('max-width','0px').


The solution provided by this answer does not work (at least in Chrome) without this line.


I could not find any documentation on what max-width of 0px might do, particularly to a table cell. Is there a defined behaviour for it? Or is this just an arbitrary side-effect that happens to result in the desired behaviour?

虽然有一个答案的链接问题,我不愿意标记它正确基于未来可能改变的未定义或未记录的行为,所以我想更多地了解为什么 max-width:0px 有效。

Although there is an answer to the linked question, I am hesitant to mark it correct based on undefined or undocumented behaviour that may change in the future, so I would like to know more about why max-width: 0px works.



table {
  table-layout: fixed;

这会将单元格宽度固定为给定的值。因此,如果您对单元格执行 width:30%,则不会根据其内容调整其大小,并会保持其设置宽度。

This fixes the cell widths to the value they are given. So if you do width: 30% on the cells, they won't resize based on their content and will maintain their set widths.

如果只给一些单元格赋予 width 值,剩余的单元格将共享可用空间。使用此功能替代 max-width

If only some of the cells are given a width value, the remaining cells will share the space available. Use this functionality as a replacement to max-width.



08-04 02:39