




This is a simple question for which answer are surprisingly difficult to find online. Here's the situation:

>>> A
[('hey', 'you', 4), ('hey', 'not you', 5), ('not hey', 'you', 2), ('not hey', 'not you', 6)]
>>> A_p = pandas.DataFrame(A)
>>> A_p
         0        1  2
0      hey      you  4
1      hey  not you  5
2  not hey      you  2
3  not hey  not you  6
>>> B_p = A_p.pivot(0,1,2)
>>> B_p
1        not you  you
hey            5    4
not hey        6    2

这不是在 pivot 的文档中建议的 - 在那里,它显示没有左上角1和0的结果手角这就是我正在寻找的,一个DataFrame对象打印为

This isn't quite what's suggested in the documentation for pivot -- there, it shows results without the 1 and 0 in the upper-left-hand corner. And that's what I'm looking for, a DataFrame object that prints as

         not you  you
hey            5    4
not hey        6    2


The problem is that the normal behavior results in a csv file whose first line is

0,not you,you


not you, you


When the normal csv file (with the preceding "0,") reads into R, it doesn't properly set the column and row names from the frame object, resulting in painful manual manipulation to get it in the right format. Is there a way to get pivot to give me a DataFrame object without that additional information in the upper-left corner?



In [17]: B_p.to_csv(sys.stdout)
0,not you,you
not hey,6.0,2.0

In [18]: B_p.to_csv(sys.stdout, index=False)
not you,you

但我认为你想要行名。将索引名称设置为无( B_p.index.name =无)提供一个前导逗号:

But I assume you want the row names. Setting the index name to None (B_p.index.name = None) gives a leading comma:

In [20]: B_p.to_csv(sys.stdout)
,not you,you
not hey,6.0,2.0

这粗略地匹配(忽略引用的字符串)R写入 write.csv when row.names = TRUE

This roughly matches (ignoring quoted strings) what R writes in write.csv when row.names=TRUE:



编辑:今天添加了 index_label = False 选项: p>

Added the index_label=False option today which does what you want:

In [2]: df
       A  B
one    1  4
two    2  5
three  3  6

In [3]: df.to_csv('foo.csv', index_
index_exp     index_label=  index_name=

In [3]: df.to_csv('foo.csv', index_name=False)

In [4]:
11:24 ~/code/pandas  (master)$ R

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[Previously saved workspace restored]

re> read.csv('foo.csv')
      A B
one   1 4
two   2 5
three 3 6


08-04 02:29