

本文介绍了在应用程序的服务模式下创建 CPrintDialog 失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个自动打印报告的应用程序.我正在使用 CPrintDialog 来获取打印机 DC.

I have an application that prints the report automatically. I am using CPrintDialog to get the Printer DC.

void CMyClass::PrintReport()
    CDC dc;
    CPrintDialog printDlg(FALSE);
    printDlg.GetDefaults ();
    ::DeleteDC( printDlg.m_pd.hDC );
    LPDEVMODE pDevMode = printDlg.GetDevMode();
        pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
    HDC hDC;
    if( (hDC = printDlg.CreatePrinterDC()) == NULL )
        ::GlobalFree( printDlg.m_pd.hDevMode );
        ::GlobalFree( printDlg.m_pd.hDevNames );
    ::GlobalFree( printDlg.m_pd.hDevMode );
    ::GlobalFree( printDlg.m_pd.hDevNames );
    dc.Attach(hDC);         // Attach a printer DC
    dc.m_bPrinting = TRUE;

        Printing Logic using dc


This works fine when I run my application in the Debug mode which comes a a Console application.

但是,当我将应用程序作为 Windows 服务运行时,CPrintDialog 创建失败.

But, the CPrintDialog creation is failing when I run the application as a Windows Service.


Am I doing anything wrong? :( Please help me.


Note: The Application is designed in a way to run as a Service in the Installation.


您不能在 Windows 服务中显示对话框(或任何类型的用户界面).所以 CPrintDialog 永远不会起作用.

You cannot display dialogs (or any type of user interface) in a Windows Service. So CPrintDialog is never going to work.


But you don't need to create a dialog to get a printer device context, assuming that you already know which printer you want to print to. And since you're running as a non-interactive service, you must already know this, because there's no way that the user can choose a printer.

为此,只需调用 CreateDC 直接指定 "WINSPOOL" 作为设备和打印机的名称.您可以通过使用 EnumPrinters 函数.这一切都方便地记录在操作方法文章中:检索打印机设备上下文.

To do so, just call CreateDC directly, specifying "WINSPOOL" as the device and the name of the printer. You can obtain the name of the desired printer by enumerating the installed printers using the EnumPrinters function. This is all conveniently documented in a how-to article: Retrieve a Printer Device Context.

这篇关于在应用程序的服务模式下创建 CPrintDialog 失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 02:17