我正在使用 Windows 服务,我想在服务启动时打印 .html 页面.我正在使用此代码并且打印良好.但是打印对话框来了,没有打印对话框怎么打印?
I am using a windows service and i want to print a .html page when the service will start. I am using this code and it's printing well. But a print dialog box come, how do i print without the print dialog box?
public void printdoc(string document)
Process printjob = new Process();
printjob.StartInfo.FileName = document;
printjob.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
printjob.StartInfo.Verb = "print";
printjob.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
printjob.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
Have there any other way to print this without showing the print dialog box.
利用 StaTaskScheduler(取自 Parallel Extension Extras (release在代码库中)).
Taking advantage of StaTaskScheduler (taken from Parallel Extension Extras (release on Code Gallery)).
Features: waits for the printing completion, doesn't show print settings, hopefully reliable.
限制:需要 C# 4.0,使用默认打印机,不允许更改打印模板
Limitations: requires C# 4.0, uses default printer, doesn't allow to change print template
TaskScheduler Sta = new StaTaskScheduler(1);
public void PrintHtml(string htmlPath)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PrintOnStaThread(htmlPath), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, Sta).Wait();
void PrintOnStaThread(string htmlPath)
const int OLECMDID_PRINT = 6;
using(var browser = new WebBrowser())
while(browser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
dynamic ie = browser.ActiveXInstance;
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: StaTaskScheduler.cs
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Threading.Tasks.Schedulers
/// <summary>Provides a scheduler that uses STA threads.</summary>
public sealed class StaTaskScheduler : TaskScheduler, IDisposable
/// <summary>Stores the queued tasks to be executed by our pool of STA threads.</summary>
private BlockingCollection<Task> _tasks;
/// <summary>The STA threads used by the scheduler.</summary>
private readonly List<Thread> _threads;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the StaTaskScheduler class with the specified concurrency level.</summary>
/// <param name="numberOfThreads">The number of threads that should be created and used by this scheduler.</param>
public StaTaskScheduler(int numberOfThreads)
// Validate arguments
if (numberOfThreads < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("concurrencyLevel");
// Initialize the tasks collection
_tasks = new BlockingCollection<Task>();
// Create the threads to be used by this scheduler
_threads = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfThreads).Select(i =>
var thread = new Thread(() =>
// Continually get the next task and try to execute it.
// This will continue until the scheduler is disposed and no more tasks remain.
foreach (var t in _tasks.GetConsumingEnumerable())
thread.IsBackground = true;
return thread;
// Start all of the threads
_threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
/// <summary>Queues a Task to be executed by this scheduler.</summary>
/// <param name="task">The task to be executed.</param>
protected override void QueueTask(Task task)
// Push it into the blocking collection of tasks
/// <summary>Provides a list of the scheduled tasks for the debugger to consume.</summary>
/// <returns>An enumerable of all tasks currently scheduled.</returns>
protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks()
// Serialize the contents of the blocking collection of tasks for the debugger
return _tasks.ToArray();
/// <summary>Determines whether a Task may be inlined.</summary>
/// <param name="task">The task to be executed.</param>
/// <param name="taskWasPreviouslyQueued">Whether the task was previously queued.</param>
/// <returns>true if the task was successfully inlined; otherwise, false.</returns>
protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
// Try to inline if the current thread is STA
Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA &&
/// <summary>Gets the maximum concurrency level supported by this scheduler.</summary>
public override int MaximumConcurrencyLevel
get { return _threads.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up the scheduler by indicating that no more tasks will be queued.
/// This method blocks until all threads successfully shutdown.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (_tasks != null)
// Indicate that no new tasks will be coming in
// Wait for all threads to finish processing tasks
foreach (var thread in _threads) thread.Join();
// Cleanup
_tasks = null;
这篇关于在没有打印对话框的情况下,在 C# 中从 Windows 服务打印 html 文档的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!