




I'm looking for a reporting/printing solution that does not involve RDLC/SSRS. I'd like to use the DocumentViewer, which I know supports XPS. I have found plenty of examples that use Visual to XPS but I haven't found many examples where I can take an existing WPF page, with various controls like labels, listboxes, grids, etc and create that into an XPS document. Is there a code example out there that takes an entire XAML page and creates XPS?



It's not trivial, the basic problem here is that XPS represent fixed pages. An existing WPF page does not necessarily translate to pages on a document. How will your report be split if it cannot fit the page? This information is needed.

您可以做的是将报告创建为FlowDocument(请参阅 http ://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa970909.aspx ).这将为.NET框架提供有关如何对报告进行分页的足够信息,以便在执行此操作时:

What you can do is to create the report as a FlowDocument (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa970909.aspx). This will give the .NET framework enough info on how to paginate your report such that when you do this:

FlowDocument flowDocument;

// load, populate your flowDocument here

XpsDocument xpsDocument = new XpsDocument("filename.xps", FileAccess.ReadWrite);
XpsDocumentWriter writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(xpsDocument);

有效. (代码从C#书中的Pro WPF中提取).

it works. (Code lifted from Pro WPF in C# Book).


08-04 02:12