

Backbone.history.navigate this.router.navigate 之间有什么区别?


Why would sometimes the former work while later won't?


如果你看看,你会看到那个 Router.prototype.navigate 只是 Backbone.history.navigate 的代理,你可以在任何地方调用它而不需要对于路由器实例。

If you look at the Backbone source, you'll see that Router.prototype.navigate is simply a proxy to Backbone.history.navigate which you can call anywhere without the need for a router instance.

// Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
  Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
  return this;

路由在 global ,在Backbone中命名空间,历史记录实例。

Routing is handled in a global, namespaced in Backbone, History instance.

这是为了让开发人员创建自己的历史记录 class然后覆盖 Backbone.history 属性以全局更改路由行为。

This is meant to let developer create their own History class and then to overwrite the Backbone.history property to globally change the routing behaviour.


The History class isn't documented much, but it's well commented in the source.


Also, having a proxy to navigate in the Router class makes it easy to hook our own behaviour in the router directly.

至于为什么有时它不起作用可能是因为你试图在 this.router 没有的类中执行 this.router.navigate 存在。

As to why sometimes it doesn't work is probably because you're trying to do this.router.navigate in a class where this.router doesn't exist.


08-04 02:10