我试图在java中实现一个websockets服务器,但我无法理解google chrome实现的websocket协议的版本。在博客文章中,Chromium团队提到他们已经实现了websockets协议的版本76应该有以下握手请求(从正式版本76规范(1.2节)中复制):
GET / demo HTTP / 1.1
Sec-WebSocket -Key2:12998 5 Y3 1.P00
Sec-WebSocket-Key1:4 @ 1 46546xW%0l 1 5
^ n:ds [4U
其中,我从google chrome(8.0.552.237)获得的握手请求是:
GET / HTTP / 1.1
原产地:http :// localhost:8081
Sec-WebSocket-Key1:g3 I 9w F:Kt 3?u784C-0 99 5z
Sec-WebSocket -Key2:4 S5l& Y4m] 11 + 4 032s Ecfl
解决方案 Chrome目前实现,它也被称为。协议和规格现在由IETF HyBi工作组发布,因此03编号实际上更加正确,规范的下一个版本将继续编号(但大多数人仍称其为v76)。
HTTP / 1.1 101 WebSocket协议握手
8jKS'y:G * Co,Wxa-
I am trying to implement a websockets server in java but I am having trouble understanding the version of websocket protocol does google chrome implements. In this blog post the Chromium team mentions that they have implemented version 76 of the websockets protocol which should have the following handshake request (copied from official version 76 spec (section 1.2)):
GET /demo HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key2: 12998 5 Y3 1 .P00
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sample
Upgrade: WebSocket
Sec-WebSocket-Key1: 4 @1 46546xW%0l 1 5
Origin: http://example.com
where as the handshake request I am getting from google chrome(8.0.552.237) is :
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: WebSocket
Connection: Upgrade
Host: localhost:8082
Origin: http://localhost:8081
Sec-WebSocket-Key1: g3 I 9w F : Kt 3?u784C-0 99 5z
Sec-WebSocket-Key2: 4 S5l&Y4m]11+4 032s Ecfl
Can somebody please explain me why is there a discrepancy between googles version and the official spec. And what would be the right format of the response for google's version.
PS: does anybody has any estimate by when the websockets protocol would be finalized ?
解决方案 Chrome currently implements draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76 which is also known as draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-03. The protocol and specs are now being published by the IETF HyBi working group thus the 03 numbering is actually more correct and the next versions of the spec will continue that numbering (but most people still call it v76).
The handshake you are getting from Chrome-8.0.552 does match the spec. The differences are because the ordering of the headers can vary and the keys will have different values for every new connection and the host, origin, path, and protocol values depend on how the Javascript invokes the connection and also depend on the URL of the invoking page.
The response will look something like this (although not exactly because the response is generated based on the client handshake):
HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake
Upgrade: WebSocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Origin: http://example.com
Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://example.com/demo
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sample
I've been following the HyBi working group and there is no estimate for when the protocol will be finalized. However, a new draft (04) has already been published trying to address security concerns of the browser vendors. A (05) version will likely be published in the next few weeks. The browser vendors probably won't implement 04 (because there are still significant areas of low consensus). If most of the browser vendors adopt 05 and there are no additional security concerns I suspect that the final version of the protocol will not change much from there.
It's important to note however, that the browser API for WebSockets is likely not going to be affected by changes in the protocol.