

在将Java运行时更改为1.6后,我面临oracle db连接问题.先前我们的应用程序使用1.5 Java运行时,现在我们正在迁移1.6.尝试连接到oracle 10g db时,应用程序引发以下异常:

I am facing an issue with oracle db connection after changing java runtime to 1.6.Earlier our application used 1.5 java runtime and now we are migrating 1.6. Application is throwing the following exception while trying to connect to oracle 10g db:

如果我使用jre 1.5而不是1.6 jre可以正常工作.它与oracle 11g数据库和jre 1.6组合正常工作.你们中有人遇到过类似的问题吗?谢谢您的宝贵时间.

It is working properly if I use jre 1.5 instead of 1.6 jre.It is working fine with oracle 11g database and jre 1.6 combination.Have any of you faced similar issues? Thanks for your time.


我推测这与oracle驱动程序有关.从Java 1.4到1.6时,我们经历了类似的事情,尽管这是一个不同的错误.您是否尝试将 JDBC驱动程序降级到10g版本?

I would speculate that its an issue with the oracle drivers. We experienced something similar when going from java 1.4 to 1.6, though it was a different error. Have you tried downgrading your JDBC drivers to the 10g version?


08-04 02:00