




Lets say I pull a new image from a hub repository and run it without looking at the contents of the dockerfile. Can the container or image affect my host in any way possible?


Please let me know because I will be running a list of images from a user inputted image names on my server. I am worried if it will affect the server/host.



With a default execution of an image, the answer is a conditional no. The kernel capabilities are limited, the filesystem is restricted, the process space is isolated, and it's on a separate bridged network from the host. Anything that allows access back to the host would be a security vulnerability.


The conditional part is that it can use up all your CPU cycles, it can exhaust your memory, it can fill your drive, and it can send network traffic out from your machine NAT'ed to your IP address. In other words, by default, there's nothing preventing the container from a DoS attack on your host.


Docker does have the ability to limit many of these things, including capping memory, restricting CPU's or prioritizing processes, and there are quota solutions to the filesystem.

您还可以朝另一个方向发展,将主机暴露给容器,从而有效地创建安全漏洞.这将包括安装主机卷,尤其是在容器内部的docker.sock,使用-privileged 消除内核功能限制,以及使用-net = host 消除网络隔离.使用容器执行上述任何操作都会关闭Docker默认提供的保护.

You can also go the other direction and expose the host to the container, effectively creating security vulnerabilities. This would include mounting host volumes, especially the docker.sock inside the container, removing kernel capability restrictions with --privileged, and removing network isolation with --net=host. Doing any of these with a container turns off the protections that Docker provides by default.


Docker does have a lower level of isolation than a virtual machine due to the way it shares the kernel with the host. So if the code you are running contains a kernel or physical hardware exploit, that could access the host. For this reason, if you are running untrusted code, you may want to look into linuxkit, which provides a lightweight container based operating system to run inside a vm. This is used to provide the moby os that runs under hyperv/xhyve on docker for windows/mac.


08-04 01:56