

本文介绍了Windows 10 1703 升级后 Windows Mobile 设备中心停止工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚安装了新的 Windows 10 版本 (1703),现在我无法连接任何 Windows CE 设备,因为 Windows Mobile Device center 6.1 无法运行.我试图重新安装它,但没有办法,安装过程停止.我是否必须降级到以前版本的 Windows?这种情况有解决方法吗?

i just installed new Windows 10 version (1703) and now i'm not able to connect any Windows CE device because Windows Mobile Device center 6.1 doesn't run.I tried to reinstall it but there is no way, the install process stops.Do i have to downgrade to a previous version of Windows?Is there a workaround for this situation?




UPDATE: Some good suggestions which seem to work are now at this web page.


PREVIOUS:我能够安装 Windows Mobile 设备中心 (WMDC),但无法完全运行.安装需要手动启用 .NET Framework 3.5,类似于以下网页中所述.

PREVIOUS: I am able to get Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) to install, but not fully run. Installing required manually enabling the .NET Framework 3.5 similar to as described at the following web page.


安装后,您必须右键单击开始",然后单击计算机管理">服务和"应用程序 > 服务.向下滚动以右键单击基于 Windows Mobile-2003 的设备连接"以选择属性">登录".选中允许服务与桌面交互"切换到本地系统帐户",然后单击确定".

After install, you must right click on Start, and then click on Computer Management > Services & Applications > Services. Scroll down to right-click on "Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity" to select Properties > Log On. Switch to "Local System account" with checking "Allow service to interact with desktop" then click OK.

在手持设备上,点击开始 > 设置 > 连接 > USB 到 PC 图标,取消选中启用高级网络功能"复选框,点击确定,然后连接电缆.

On the handheld, tap on Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC icon, uncheck the "Enable Advanced Network Functionality" checkbox, tap OK, and then connect the cable.

WMDC 从不显示已连接,但手持设备上的 ActiveSync 会显示,您至少可以在 PC 上打开文件资源管理器来浏览远程设备的内容"以传输文件.我不确定这在多大程度上限制了 RAPI 功能.

WMDC never shows connected, but ActiveSync on the handheld does, and you can at least open File Explorer on your PC to "browse the contents of the remote device" for transferring files. I am not sure how much this limits RAPI functions.

每次重新启动 PC 时,也必须重新应用这些服务设置更改.所以这显然不是最终的解决方案.

These Services settings changes must also be re-applied every time you Restart your PC. So this is obviously not a final solution.

这篇关于Windows 10 1703 升级后 Windows Mobile 设备中心停止工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 01:44