After PhpStorm suggested to update MySQL driver, my existing and working connections to MySQL databases had stopped working. I saw this problem reproduced on my Ubuntu and on another Mac. The error I received was:
I use SSH tunneling to access the databases. Also, I use the latest stable version of PhpStorm (2017.1.2). The driver versions that caused troubles were 5.1.40 and 5.1.41 which I installed manually while trying to fix the problem.
Is there a quick way to fix that? I really need to continue working.
最新版本的MySQL Connector/J似乎存在一些问题.解决方案是回滚以在PhpStorm中使用以前版本的MySQL Connector/J驱动程序.就我而言,以前的版本是5.1.35,可以正常工作.
It seems that the latest versions of MySQL Connector/J have some issues. The solution is to rollback to use the previous version of MySQL Connector/J driver in PhpStorm. In my case, the previous version was 5.1.35, which is working fine.
The problem is that the rollback is not that obvious. I didn't have the previous version in a driver selection popup:
The solution was to add an additional driver file that already existed on my PC:
Once I added the driver, the last step was to disable the "Use provided driver" checkbox:
Then I applied the changes, and the connections worked again.
这篇关于PhpStorm MySQL Connector/J更新至5.1.40后停止工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!