本文介绍了Ruby 块语法错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Ruby 块和非括号参数

我不确定我是否理解这个语法错误.我正在使用 Carrierwave 在 Rails 应用程序中管理一些文件上传,但我似乎错误地将块传递给其中一种方法.

I'm not sure I understand this syntax error. I'm using Carrierwave to manage some file uploads in a Rails app, and I seem to be passing a block to one of the methods incorrectly.

以下是 Carrierwave 文档中的示例:

version :thumb do
  process :resize_to_fill => [200,200]


version :full   { process(:resize_to_limit => [960, 960]) }
version :half   { process(:resize_to_limit => [470, 470]) }
version :third  { process(:resize_to_limit => [306, 306]) }
version :fourth { process(:resize_to_limit => [176, 176]) }


The above doesn't work, I get syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end. Interestingly enough, the following works perfectly:

version :full   do process :resize_to_limit => [960, 960]; end
version :half   do process :resize_to_limit => [470, 470]; end
version :third  do process :resize_to_limit => [306, 306]; end
version :fourth do process :resize_to_limit => [176, 176]; end

那么,我的问题是,为什么我可以使用 do...end 传递一个块,但在这种情况下不能使用大括号?

So, my question is, why can I pass a block using do...end but not braces in this instance?




version(:full)   { process(:resize_to_limit => [960, 960]) }
version(:half)   { process(:resize_to_limit => [470, 470]) }
version(:third)  { process(:resize_to_limit => [306, 306]) }
version(:fourth) { process(:resize_to_limit => [176, 176]) }

你有一个优先级问题.{ } 块比 do...end 块绑定得更紧密,比方法调用更紧密;结果是 Ruby 认为您试图提供一个块作为符号的参数,并说不.

You have a precedence problem. The { } block binds tighter than a do...end block and tighter than a method call; the result is that Ruby thinks you're trying to supply a block as an argument to a symbol and says no.

通过比较以下内容,您可以看到更清晰 (?) 或更熟悉的示例:

You can see a clearer (?) or possibly more familar example by comparing the following:

[1, 2, 3].inject 0  { |x, y| x + y }
[1, 2, 3].inject(0) { |x, y| x + y }

这篇关于Ruby 块语法错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 01:42