



我在创建新的视图控制器时收到以下消息.一切都在 Xcode 中编译正常,没有错误,但应用程序在从 RootViewController 加载新视图后立即退出.

I was getting the following message upon creating a new view controller. Everything was compiling a-okay in Xcode without errors, but the app was immediately quitting upon loading the new view from a RootViewController.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "HomeView" nib but the view outlet was not set.'


To resolve this, I tried connecting the File's Owner to the view, but the view outlet wasn't even available to the File's owner.


根据@Tim Post 的建议从问题部分移出.


我终于意识到,当我添加这个 View XIB 时,File's Owner 已经设置为 NSObject 而不是 HomeViewController(我新创建的视图控制器).一旦我在身份检查器中设置了类标识,视图插座就可以连接到视图了.

I finally realized that when I added this View XIB, the File's Owner had been set to NSObject instead of HomeViewController (my newly-created view controller). Once I set the class identity in the indentity inspector, the view outlet was then ready to be connected to the view.

应用程序现在可以加载并且新视图可以完美加载.只是为了 SO 社区的利益而分享.

The app now loads and the new view loads perfectly. Just sharing for the benefit of the SO community.


创建新的 View XIB 时,请确保在身份检查器 (Cmd+4) 中将类身份设置为所需的视图控制器.它可能默认设置为 NSObject.

When creating a new View XIB, make sure to set the class identity to the desired view controller in the indentity inspector (Cmd+4). It may be set to NSObject by default.


The view outlet should then be available.


08-04 01:42