本文介绍了在Android上支持React Native的onScroll,onScrollEndDrag,onScrollBeginDrag?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a few simple console.log statements in onScrollBeginDrag, onScroll, and onScrollEndDrag attached to a ScrollView. I can see that they work as expected on my iOS device, but they are not working on an Android emulator.


This raises the question, are these props only supported on iOS or is there a problem with Android emulator?


onScroll={() => console.log("scroll")}
onScrollBeginDrag={() => console.log("begin")}
onScrollEndDrag={() => console.log("end")}



Yes, they are supported, but they have issues...

我假设您使用<FlatList />渲染组件,对吗?

I assume you use a <FlatList /> to render your components, correct?

如果是这样,则您的问题很可能是由<View />包含已被Android优化<FlatList />项引起的. Android会自动删除实际上不会呈现任何内容(例如背景色或边框)的包装"视图.这种优化有助于减少视图层次结构的深度,但在某些情况下(例如这种情况)可能导致意外结果...

If so, your issue is most probably caused by the <View /> containing your <FlatList /> items being optimized away by Android. Android automatically removes 'wrapping' views that do not actually render any content, such as a background color or borders. This optimization helps to reduce the depth of the view hierarchy but can cause unexpected results in some cases (such as this)...

我在包裹的<View />中添加了透明的backgroundColor,现在<FlatList />onScrollBeginDragonScrollEndDragonScroll事件正在按预期触发!

I've added a transparent backgroundColor to the wrapping <View /> of the items and now the onScrollBeginDrag, onScrollEndDrag and onScroll events of the <FlatList /> are firing as expected!

  onScrollBeginDrag={() => console.log('begin')}
  onScrollEndDrag={() => console.log('end')}
  onScroll={() => console.log('end')}
  data={[{key: 'a'}, {key: 'b'}]}

  renderItem={({ item }) => (
    <View style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}>


I also removed the FlatList paddings and I added some paddings to the wrapping view, which makes the touchable area larger.

PS:对 Bartol Karuza 表示感谢..

PS: Kudos to Bartol Karuza.

这篇关于在Android上支持React Native的onScroll,onScrollEndDrag,onScrollBeginDrag?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 01:05