

使用 log.Println 登录Go时,我经常得到

When logging in Go with log.Println, I frequently get

2012/05/13 16:45:50 evaluating %v(PANIC=3)

我不确定如何确定做错了什么,我假设某个地方 fmt.Println 遇到了由我自己的 Stringer 产生的恐慌接口实现,以免由于记录失败而使我的程序崩溃.

I'm not sure how to determine what I've done wrong, I assume that somewhere fmt.Println has caught a panic generated by one of my own Stringer interface implementations, so as not to crash my program due to logging failure.


How do I work out what's going on? Why am I getting this erroneous message?


是的,在 String 方法中出现了恐慌.但这与 log 包无关. Println 使用%v ,而%v 表示正在运行 String 方法.在 String 方法中出现恐慌会调用 catchPanic .在您的输出中, 3 是您的恐慌值.

You are right, there is a panic in a String method. But it has nothing to do with the log package. Println uses %v, and %v means running String method. Having a panic in the String method invokes catchPanic. Here in your output 3 is the value of your panic.


10-11 20:07