


I have an Android app that uses the SimpleFramework for XML serialization. The app runs fine on all real devices I have tested it on with no lags, but when run on the emulator, the garbage collector kicks in a runs for about about 3 minutes on each launch of the app.


Here is what I have observed so far:

  • 垃圾收集踢在短短的序列化对象到XML之前

  • 它只是之前的第一个对象是序列化并通过网络发送,并且不会发生的连续通话情况。

  • 连载code是在被打包并添加作为项目的.jar文件中一个单独的库。


Here is the output from LogCat:

07-27 08:17:10.275: D/dalvikvm(682): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10179 objects / 482344 bytes in 32ms
07-27 08:17:10.435: D/dalvikvm(682): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13927 objects / 535968 bytes in 33ms
....... About 300 more similar entries...


Here is the code I'm presently using for serialization:

public String fromElement(Object request) {
    Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    try {
        serializer.write(request, writer);
        String res = writer.toString();
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, res);
        return writer.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return "";

显然,这占用了大量的时间,每次我做我的code的改变并重新部署应用程序。有没有其他人使用时libaray遇到过,如果是这样,有一些方法可以让我prevent每一次蹬GC我启动的应用程序(从日食)?将增加堆(目前为 vm.heapSize = 24 )帮助?还是有不同的解决方案?

Obviously, this is taking up a lot of time, each time I make a change in my code and redeploy the app. Has anyone else experienced this when using the libaray, and if so, is there some way I can prevent the GC from kicking in each time I launch the app (from eclipse)? Would increasing the heap (currently set at vm.heapSize=24) help? Or is there a different solution?



You need to upgrade to 2.6.7, there are pretty major changes to now annotation processing is done. It turns out Android has a fairly well know problem with annotations, relating strangely enough to a bad java.lang.reflect.Method.equals(Object) implementation. Simple 2.6.7 caches much more of the annotation processing and should be much better.


08-04 00:53