

我注意到IE9以非常低的质量渲染缩小图像:如果我在200x150 IMG标签中显示800x600 jpg图像,那么IE9的结果非常令人失望。

在IE8和Chrome中,相同的页面显示效果非常好。 IE7也行,只要我使用CSS样式 -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; )。 Firefox显示与IE9相同的惨淡结果,但这似乎是一个已知的错误,请参阅

我已经浏览了堆栈溢出和其他论坛,但没有发现IE9渲染与IE8的任何投诉。 / p>


我无法提交图像,因为我是Stack Overflow的新用户。

以200像素x 150像素的IMG标签显示此图像


I noticed that IE9 renders downsized images in a very low quality: if I display a 800x600 jpg image in a 200x150 IMG tag, the result in IE9 is very disappointing.

The same page displays perfectly fine in IE8 and in Chrome. IE7 is also OK, provided I use CSS style -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;). Firefox shows the same dismal result as IE9 but this seems to be a known bug, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486918

I have trawled Stack Overflow and other forums but haven't found any complaints on IE9 rendering versus IE8.

Does anybody know this a bug in IE9. Is there a workaround?

I cannot submit images, because I am a new user on Stack Overflow.But you can easily reproduce the issue:

In Paint.Net create a 800x600.jpg with an ellips with brush-width 1 or 2.Display this image in a 200px by 150px IMG tagCompare IE9 with Chrome and IE8 (using IEtester)


I've seen this a lot with IE and image resizing. You're honestly better off making a separate smaller version the exact size through an image editor or automated means.


08-04 00:46