

彼得·杜尼奥(Peter Duniho)在评论中指出的此处,当我本应全神贯注于其他事物时,我却被束之高阁.

As Peter Duniho points out in a comment here, I was fixated on a red herring when I should have been focusing on something else altogether.


When I use Symbol.Barcode.Reader and Symbol.Barcode.ReaderData in one form, they work fine. I use them as I document here.


However, when I go from one form that uses the barcode scanning code to another one that also does, all Dallas breaks loose. I get the following exception in the second form, on startup:

Symbol.Exceptions.OperationFailureException: SCAN_GetInterfaceParams
   at Symbol.Barcode.InterfaceParams.GetInterfaceParams()
   at Symbol.Barcode.InterfaceParams..ctor(Reader reader)
   at Symbol.Barcode.Actions.Enable()
   at HHS.frmFind.InitReader()
   at HHS.frmFind.textBoxScan_GotFocus(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnGotFocus(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
   at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.WL.SetVis(IntPtr hwnThis, BOOL fVis)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Form.ShowDialog()


The barcode scanning code between the two forms is identical, so it's not the code itself (it works fine the first time, in the first form).

输入设置为扫描的文本框时,第二种形式立即发生异常.之所以触发GotFocus()事件,是因为在显示表单时文本框获得了焦点. OnGotFocus()调用InitReader(),然后失败. InitReader()是:

The exception occurs immediately in the second form when the textbox that is set up for scanning is entered. It's GotFocus() event fires because the textbox gets focus when the form is displayed; OnGotFocus() calls InitReader(), which then fails. InitReader() is:

private bool InitReader()
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader");
    // If reader is already present then retreat
    if (this.barcodeReader != null)
        return false;

    // Create new reader, first available reader will be used.
    this.barcodeReader = new Symbol.Barcode.Reader();

    // Create reader data
    this.barcodeReaderData = new Symbol.Barcode.ReaderData(

    // Create event handler delegate
    this.barcodeEventHandler = this.BarcodeReader_ReadNotify;

    // Enable reader, with wait cursor

    this.barcodeReader.Parameters.Feedback.Success.BeepTime = 0;
    this.barcodeReader.Parameters.Feedback.Success.WaveFile = "\\windows\\alarm3.wav";

    // Attach to activate and deactivate events
    this.Activated += ReaderForm_Activated;
    this.Deactivate += ReaderForm_Deactivate;

    return true;


The objects being dealt with there are in Symbol.Barcode.dll, from Motorola. They are declared in the form like so:

private Symbol.Barcode.Reader barcodeReader;
private Symbol.Barcode.ReaderData barcodeReaderData;


If I bypass the first form, which has the same type of barcode scannig code, and go straight to this form, it doesn't crash.


So apparently it's that the closely related bits of code can't coexist. Why not and, more importantly, how can I prevent this revolting development?


With this logging added to InitReader:

private bool InitReader()
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader");
    // If reader is already present then retreat
    if (this.barcodeReader != null)
        return false;

    // Create new reader, first available reader will be used.
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #2");
    this.barcodeReader = new Symbol.Barcode.Reader();

    // Create reader data
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #3");
    this.barcodeReaderData = new Symbol.Barcode.ReaderData(

    // Create event handler delegate
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #4");
    this.barcodeEventHandler = this.BarcodeReader_ReadNotify;

    // Enable reader, with wait cursor
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #5");
    this.barcodeReader.Parameters.Feedback.Success.BeepTime = 0;
    this.barcodeReader.Parameters.Feedback.Success.WaveFile = "\\windows\\alarm3.wav";

    // Attach to activate and deactivate events
    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #6");
    this.Activated += ReaderForm_Activated;
    this.Deactivate += ReaderForm_Deactivate;

    ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog("Reached frmFind.InitReader #7");
    return true;


...I see this in the log file after opening the Find form and crashing the app (it hangs for about 20 seconds before disappearing):

Date: 3/19/2009 11:43:38 PM
Message: Reached frmFind.InitReader

Date: 3/19/2009 11:43:38 PM
Message: Reached frmFind.I


...so it's crashing almost instantaneously after this block of code:

if (this.barcodeReader != null)
    return false;


...as it only gets through half of the next logging line before rudely interrupting itself.


Fejesjoco may still be right (in his comment below), but I submit this logging code as exhibit "A":

public void WriteLog(string message)
    if (!HHSConsts.Logging) return;
    StringBuilder formattedMessage = new StringBuilder();
    formattedMessage.AppendLine("Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
    formattedMessage.AppendLine("Message: " + message);


The stream should get flushed after each line is written to the log.


The failure is always very consistent as to how long it "hangs" before it crashes; I can see the cursor blinking in the bar code text box of the find form, and it pulsates about 20 times (I actually counted it last time: 24).


This also is a bit odd; in Update 2, I showed the contents of the log file with all the log entries sprinkled into the InitReader method. With those commented out (except for the first one), the log file ends with:

Date: 3/20/2009 12:01:22 AM
Message: Reached frmFind.InitReader

Date: 3/20/2009 12:01:22 AM
Message: From application-wide exception handler: Symbol.Exceptions.OperationFailureException: SCAN_GetInterfaceParams
   at Symbol.Barcode.InterfaceParams.GetInterfaceParams()
   at Symbol.Barcode.InterfaceParams..ctor(Reader reader)
   at Symbol.Barcode.Actions.Enable()
   at HHS.frmFind.InitReader()


...so the additional log file entries were preventing the exception msg from getting logged.




I was unfamiliar with this, and when I added "Actions." I got a choice between Symbol.Barcode.Actions and Symbol.Generic.Actions.


I chose the first first, but it has no "Enable" method. Adding it scolded me with, "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Symbol.Generic.Actions.Enable()'"


I then commented out the using that was added, entered "Actions." again, and this time chose Symbol.Generic.Actions (and got the same err msg for my troubles).


How can I use Actions.Enable()?


C.Evenhuis: by "some events require re-attaching each time they occur" do you mean this:

private void StartRead()
    // If we have both a reader and a reader data
    if ((this.barcodeReader != null) && (this.barcodeReaderData != null))
        // Submit a read
        this.barcodeReader.ReadNotify += this.barcodeEventHandler;

private void StopRead()
    // If we have a reader
    if (this.barcodeReader != null)
        // Flush (Cancel all pending reads)
        this.barcodeReader.ReadNotify -= this.barcodeEventHandler;


...(barcodeReader.ReadNotify is attached in StartRead and detached in StopRead), or is more necessary?


I also have, in InitReader():

this.Activated += ReaderForm_Activated;
this.Deactivate += ReaderForm_Deactivate;


...which are implemented like so:

private void ReaderForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // If there are no reads pending on barcodeReader start a new read
    if (!this.barcodeReaderData.IsPending)

private void ReaderForm_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)


InitReader() is called from textBoxScan_GotFocus(); textBoxScan has the focus when the form displays.


As to "Explicitly Close() classes before you Dispose() them", I call Dispose on two things, Symbol.Barcode.Reader and Symbol.Barcode.ReaderData, and neither one allows a Close() call.


This statement from C. Evenhuis: "you can't have two (foreground) readers enabled" led me to try the following:

private void FrmDelivery_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)


...which seems to have pretty much done the trick - I can open the Find form without a hang resulting in an eventual crash. I can scan into the Find form after having scanned into the Delivery form. The only (unrelated?) problem that I still see is that my Find form is still partially obscured for some reason...


Zebra正在基于具有旧版.NET包装器的旧版C ++库中构建.有很多陷阱(某些事件每次发生时都需要重新连接,某些类在您Dispose()之前需要显式的Close(),等等.)

Zebra is building on a legacy C++ library with a legacy .NET wrapper. There are quite some pitfalls (some events require re-attaching each time they occur, some classes require explicit Close() before you Dispose() them, etc).

您可能已经发现,可以从多个线程/窗体调用Symbol类的成员,但是不能启用两个(前台)读取器,并且只有在未启用后台读取器的情况下才能设置某些属性,并且无法确定是否启用了 后台读取器(即DataWedge).

As you may have found out, you can invoke members of the Symbol classes from multiple threads / forms, but you can't have two (foreground) readers enabled, and some properties can only be set if no background readers are enabled, and there is no way to determine whether there are background readers enabled (ie DataWedge).

在我们公司,我们选择在Form.Activated事件中初始化扫描仪,然后在Deactivated事件中取消初始化扫描仪.然后,当需要扫描时,调用Actions.Enable()即可解决问题.设置阅读器属性是在try catch块中完成的:(

At our company we chose to initialize the scanner in the Form.Activated event and deinitialize it in the Deactivated event. Then when scanning was required, a call to Actions.Enable() would do the trick. Setting reader properties is done in try catch blocks :(

奇怪的是,您的应用程序在 Get InterfaceParams崩溃,我希望设置会引起麻烦.尝试最低限度的应用程序;不要设置BeepTimeWaveFile属性.

Quite odd that your application crashes at GetInterfaceParams, I would expect Setting them to cause trouble. Try your application with the bare minimum; don't set the BeepTime or WaveFile properties.


08-04 00:45