




Next term, I'll need to write a basic operating system for Motorola 68K processor as part of a course lab material.


Is there a Linux emulator of a basic hardware setup with that processor? So my partners and I can debug quicker on our computers instead of physically restarting the board and stuff.

是否有可能测试驱动的开发技术应用于操作系统的开发? code将主要装配和C.什么将成为主要的困难想试驾呢?如何做到这一点有什么建议?

Is it possible to apply test-driven development technique to OS development? Code will be mostly assembly and C. What will be the main difficulties with trying to test-drive this? Any advice on how to do it?


您当然可以TDD这个项目。首先解耦的所有访问简单程序调用,例如硬件残培()和printf,那么你可以提供简单的模拟,从而提供测试的输入和输出的检查。然后,您可以使用gcc,MSDEV或x code在电脑上写超过90%的项目。一旦你已经得到了一定的信心去耦程序,你需要对硬件很少访问,然后才偶尔检查,当你希望你的嘲笑正在采取行动。

You certainly can tdd this project. First off decouple all accesses to the hardware with simple routine calls, e.g. getch() and printf, then you can provide simple mocks that provide test input and check output. You can then write well over 90% of the project on a PC using gcc, msdev or xcode. Once you have got some confidence in the decoupling routines you will need very little access to the hardware, and only then to occasionally check that your mocks are acting as you expect.


Keep to C until you find a particular bottle neck, and only then resort to assembler.


08-04 00:45