

本文介绍了使用Meteor JS编写命令行工具?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


根据流星文档,每次运行 meteor create 时,都会安装一个基本的 webapp 软件包,以提供流星应用中的webapp功能。 说:

According to meteor documentation, a fundamental webapp package is installed every time you run meteor create to provide the "webapp" functionality in your meteor app. The documentation says:

我将其理解为可以删除软件包,但是当我运行 meteor remove webapp 时,它会吐回来:

I understood this as "you can remove the package", but when I run meteor remove webapp it spits this back:

webapp is not in this project.

  1. 为什么告诉我这个软件包不在项目中? / li>
  2. 如何删除它,以便可以利用软件包和ddp编写命令行实用程序而不必为不必要的Web服务器占用端口?



Yes you can, every meteor app needs a main function and if you use meteor-platform, the webapp package will be automatically added which includes a main. You can remove meteor-platform, which is a wrapper package that does api.imply of all the core meteor packages, and add the packages you need from meteor manually, such as mongo, tracker, etc., and then add a main function.


I have written a blog post about writing command line programs with meteor:


In addition, as part of writing many command line programs with meteor, we created the pracitcalmeteor:mcli package which provides you with some nice extras, including command registration, command line options and argument parsing, and tools to run your commands in development mode, where command line parsing is not possible out of the box. Let me know how it works for you.



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08-03 23:35