本文介绍了更改 Emacs 语法高亮颜色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在运行 Emacs,在 C++ 模式和 PHP 模式下编辑文件.我喜欢将语法高亮作为一个概念,但默认颜色是一种讽刺.我几乎无法阅读其中一些:太黑暗了.更改其值的最简单方法是什么?我似乎无法在网络上找到任何关于此的信息.我什至不介意在编译自己的 Emacs 时更改二进制文件.我只想找到它说蓝色是#0000FF 的地方,然后将其更改为#AAAAFF 例如.

I'm running Emacs, editing files in C++ mode and PHP mode. I love syntax highlighting as a concept, but the default colors are a travesty. I can barely read some of them: way too dark. What is the easiest way to change their values? I can't seem to find anything about this on the web. I don't even mind changing the binary as I'm compiling my own Emacs. I just want to find the place where it says blue is #0000FF and change it to #AAAAFF for example.


我觉得使用 color 最容易- 主题对于这类事情.

I find it easiest to use color-theme for this sort of thing.

但如果您不想这样做,请将光标放在有问题的文本上,然后点击 M-x Customize-face.它应该默认为光标所在的脸.

But if you don't want to do that, put the cursor over the offending text, and hit M-x customize-face. It should default to the face that the cursor is over.

参见49.1.6 自定义特定项目.

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08-03 23:33