




Inspired by this question at ask.sagemath, what is the best way of adding arrows to the end of curves produced by Plot, ContourPlot, etc...? These are the types of plots seen in high school, indicating the curve continues off the end of the page.

经过一些搜索,我找不到内置的方法或最新的软件包来执行此操作. (有 ArrowExtended ,但是它已经很老了.)

After some searching, I could not find a built-in way or up-to-date package to do this. (There is ArrowExtended, but it's quite old).


The solution given in the ask.sagemath question relies on the knowledge of the function and its endpoints and (maybe) the ability to take derivatives. Its translation into Mathematica is

f[x_] := Cos[12 x^2]; xmin = -1; xmax = 1; small = .01;
Plot[f[x],{x,xmin,xmax}, PlotLabel -> y==f[x], AxesLabel->{x,y},


An alternative method is to simply replace the Line[] objects generate by Plot[] with Arrow[]. For example

Plot[{x^2, Sin[10 x], UnitStep[x]}, {x, -1, 1},
  PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, {Thick, Blue}},
  (*AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[.03],*) PlotRange -> All] /.
 Line[x__] :> Sequence[Arrowheads[{-.04, .04}], Arrow[x]]

但是这有一个问题,即行中的任何不连续点都会在您不希望出现的地方生成箭头(通常可以通过选项Exclusions -> None进行修复).更重要的是,对于CountourPlot来说,这种方法是没有希望的.例如尝试

But this has the problem that any discontinuities in the lines generate arrow heads where you don't want them (this can often be fixed by the option Exclusions -> None). More importantly, this approach is hopeless with CountourPlots. Eg try

ContourPlot[x^2 + y^3 == 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 1}] /.
  Line[x__] :> Sequence[Arrowheads[{-.04, .04}], Arrow[x]]

(上述情况下的问题可以通过{a___, l1_Line, l2_Line, b___} :> {a, Line[Join[l2[[1]], l1[[1]]]], b}规则或使用适当的单头箭头来解决.)

(the problems in the above case can be fixed by the rule, e.g., {a___, l1_Line, l2_Line, b___} :> {a, Line[Join[l2[[1]], l1[[1]]]], b} or by using appropriate single headed arrows.).


As you can see, neither of the above (quick hacks) are particularly robust or flexible. Does anyone know an approach that is?



The following seems to work, by sorting the segments first:

f[x_] := {E^-x^2, Sin[10 x], Sign[x], Tan[x], UnitBox[x],
             IntegerPart[x], Gamma[x],
             Piecewise[{{x^2, x < 0}, {x, x > 0}}], {x, x^2}};

arrowPlot[f_] :=
 Plot[{#}, {x, -2, 2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> .2] /.

 {Hue[qq__], a___, x___Line} :> {Hue[qq], a, SortBy[{x}, #[[1, 1, 1]] &]} /.

 {a___,{Line[x___], d___, Line[z__]}} :>
                           List[Arrowheads[{-.06, 0}], a, Arrow[x], {d},
                                             Arrowheads[{0, .06}], Arrow[z]] /.

 {a___,{Line[x__]}}:> List[Arrowheads[{-.06, 0.06}], a, Arrow[x]] & /@ f[x];



08-03 23:28